The Shepherds Hear the Good News: New testament Part [IV]

The Shepherds Hear the Good News: New testament Part [IV]

There they found Mary and Joseph and Baby Jesus in the stable…

The Shepherds Hear the Good News: Story From Bible

The night Jesus was born, a group of shepherds were in the fields near Bethlehem. The shepherds were looking after their sheep.

Suddenly, a great light shown around them, and an angel of the lord stood by them. The shepherd fell down on their knees with their face to the ground because they were afraid.

The Shepherds Hear the Good News: New testament Part [IV]

The angel spoke to them: “Do not be afraid! I have come to bring you good tidings of great joy, for unto you and all people is born tonight a Saviour who is Christ the Lord. And this shall be a sign unto you. You shall find the baby wrapped in swaddling clothes and lying in a manger.”

Suddenly there appeared with the angel of Lord a great number of angels. The angels sang together: “Glory to God in the highest, peace, good-will to men.” Then the angels disappeared, and the night was dark again.

The shepherds looked at each other. Then they said to one another, “Come, let us go to Bethlehem and see the baby. So the shepherds went from their fields into Bethlehem. There they found Mary and Joseph and Baby Jesus in the stable.

When the shepherds left Joseph and Mary, they went out and told everyone what they had seen, and the people were very, very glad. Then the shepherds went back to their sheep. They thanked God for all that they had seen and heard.

Luke 2:8-17

“The Shepherds Hear the Good News”: Illustration by ~ ‘Amarjeet Malik

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