Street Games Of India: Kokli Chipaki

Hi! Friends, I am back with a new game ‘Kokla Chappakki’.
Kokla Chappakki is also an outdoor game, but you can play it in your house if you have enough open space to run around and only if your parents allow you to play inside. Lets play the game.
The best thing of this game is that you can have as many members as you wish to take, minimum requirement of the game is six, out of which one will be the Danner. The playing members will sit in a circle closing their eyes and singing a song. The song is rhythmic though it does not have some sensible meaning:
‘Kokla Chipaki jumae raat aae je,
Jedha aage peeche vekhe udhi Shamat aae je’
This song have a English version also:
‘I wrote a letter to my father,
on the way I lost it,
Someone came and picked it up and put it in his pocket’
The players sing this song 3-4 times and within this period the Danner leaves his scarf or Handkerchief at the back of the sitting player. After finishing the song everybody open their eyes and look for the scarf or Handkerchief at their back. Whom so ever finds it runs after the Danner to catch him/her. The Danner runs around the circle and to save himself from another turn takes the seat of the player with the scarf, the new Danner. If the Danner is not able to capture the seat of the person with scarf and is caught be him (the player with scarf), it is his turn again.
The game turns up more interesting when the players play it in a faster pace and involve everybody by dropping the scarf every time behind the new player. More players more you enjoy, best part of the game is when you sing and expect the Danner to drop the Scarf behind you.
This game can be enjoyed by both elders and kids. It can become a good party game. You can even play it with some music played on your Tape Recorder, if you don’t remember the Kokla Chappakki song.