Friendship day greetings

Friendship Day Greetings For Students and Children

Friendship Day Greetings For Students: Friendship Day celebrations occur on different dates in different countries. The first World Friendship Day was proposed for 30 July in 1958, by the World Friendship Crusade. On 27 April 2011 the General Assembly of the United Nations declared 30 July as official International Friendship Day. However, some countries, including India, celebrate Friendship Day on the first Sunday of August.

Friendship Day Greetings:

A friend means so much to us. And we enjoy being with our friends. True friends are hard to come by. True friends love each other through thick and thin. They share with and care for each other at all times. The bond between true friends is so strong that it lasts through life. Having a true friend is a real gift. It is valuable like a precious jewel. And the friendship between true friends is always treasured and cherished.

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One comment

  1. Mohan Kumar Bajpai

    Very nice and Very Very Careful Site,
    Thank you!
    Have a good day!