Malati, 22, and her two year old son Madhav (names and ages changed) are among the many Court-referred destitute and mentally-ill mothers sent to IBHAS for treatment. To ensure the mother and child are not separated – children are usually sent to foster homes -- IBHAS has set up a six-bed Mother and Child Care Unit, where the child can live with the mother throughout her treatment. Since Malati and seizures and behavioural problems, a nurse attendant is always at to help her look after her son

Malati, 22, and her two year old son Madhav (names and ages changed) are among the many Court-referred destitute and mentally-ill mothers sent to IBHAS for treatment. To ensure the mother and child are not separated – children are usually sent to foster homes — IBHAS has set up a six-bed Mother and Child Care Unit, where the child can live with the mother throughout her treatment. Since Malati and seizures and behavioural problems, a nurse attendant is always at to help her look after her son

Malati, 22, and her two year old son Madhav (names and ages changed) are among the many Court-referred destitute and mentally-ill mothers sent to IBHAS for treatment. To ensure the mother and child are not separated – children are usually sent to foster homes -- IBHAS has set up a six-bed Mother and Child Care Unit, where the child can live with the mother throughout her treatment. Since Malati and seizures and behavioural problems, a nurse attendant is always at to help her look after her son

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