SAARC Charter Day

SAARC Charter Day

Objectives of Celebrating the SAARC Charter Day

On the SAARC Charter Day, a big celebration event is held by all the members in order to raise the public awareness about the government’s commitment to the SAARC process. It is also celebrated to emphasize the major activities and works of the association. SAARC Charter Day is commemorated every year by the statements of the Member States and the Secretary General. Some of the major objectives are:

  • To promote the peace, constancy, harmony and growth of all the regions by the strict observance of the United Nations Charter and Non-Alignment principles.
  • To achieve the freedom, peace, economic prosperity, social progress, cultural development and social justice by promoting the interdependent world, making good neighboring relations, increasing mutual understanding and consequential teamwork in the South Asian regions.
  • To increase awareness about ordinary problems, interests and objectives of the South Asian people.
  • To increase the regional cooperation among the South Asian countries for the mutual benefits, welfare and well being of the people.
  • To promote the friendship and understanding among the people of South Asian countries by increasing the collaboration, contacts and exchanges.
  • To remind the announcements signed by the Foreign Ministers in New Delhi as well as notice the achievements in the regional cooperation.

How it is Celebrated

A three days long SAARC Folklore and Heritage festival is held in the Chandigarh started from 3rd of December. This occasion is arranged by the Foundation of SAARC Writers and Literature (called as FOSWAL) in connection with the Ministry of External Affairs of India as well as the Administration of Chandigarh. FOSWAL (an apex body of the SAARC) is the single authorized body among countries under SAARC, only certified for organizing the cultural programmes under the banner and logo of SAARC.

The first day festival involves program presentation by the scholars of the Folklore Academic Research Seminar. The program includes the Folk Guitar, Algozas Orchestra, Hozagiri folk dance, Kalbelia dance, Dhangad Folk Dance, Dhol Cholum Dance and etc. The evening program presents by the Sapera Been Jogis. During all three days of the festival various renowned artists from all over the sub-continent take part in the program to spread the messages of SAARC.

A large crowed of the people come to visit the programmes to know the culture and traditions of other countries through the performers. Variety of paintings, debates and quiz competitions are also organized for the school children in association with the SAARC Disaster Management Centre.

Various awareness programs, training courses are also held for the Journalists and Teachers on the SAARC, HIV/AIDS, TB and other major diseases control and prevention in the Kathmandu, Nepal.

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