Nepal – World Atlas: Kids Encyclopedia

Nepal World Encyclopedia & Facts For Kids, Map, Photos, Anthem

Nepal : Country Name
System of government:
Capital: Kathmandu
Location: Central Himalayas; Nepal has borders with India to the south, east and west, and China to the north
Area: 140,797 sq km
National composition: Numerous hills clans, the largest being the Gurkhas
Religions: Hinduism, Buddhism
Official language: Nepali
Currency: Nepali rupee = 100 paisa
Highest elevation: Everest (Sagarmatha) in the Himalayas
Chief rivers: Numerous fast-flowing mountain streams
Climate: Subtropical monsoon type, but the climate is greatly influenced by the altitude

Motto: जननी जन्मभूमिश्च स्वर्गादपि गरीयसी
“Mother and Motherland are Greater than Heaven”
Anthem: “Sayaun Thunga Phool Ka”

Nepal Map:

Nepal Encyclopedia & Facts For Kids:

It is a landlocked Himalayan country in South Asia. It is a culturally rich kingdom with eight of the world’s highest mountains. For a small territory, the Nepali landscape is uncommonly diverse, ranging from the humid Terai in the south to the lofty Himalayas in the north.

Although the country is the birthplace of Siddhartha Gautama, who became the Buddha, more than 80 percent of Nepalese follow Hinduism, which is higher than the percentage of Hindus in India, making it the single most Hindu nation in the world.

Unstable governments and rapidly changing political parties make the political scene in Nepal one of the most confusing in the world. In the 10 years from 1996 to 2006, Nepal sustained a Maoist insurgency, the heir-apparent allegedly murdered the royal family, and the new king dismissed and re-instated parliament.

The spectacular landscape and deep, exotic culture of Nepal represents considerable potential for tourism, but security concerns relating to the Maoist conflict have led to a decrease in tourism, a key source of foreign exchange.

Forests cover one-third of the mountain kingdom of Nepal. They yield quality timber, such as larch and deodar (god tree). Mountain meadows provide grazing for goats, sheep and yaks, but the Himalayan peaks are capped by snow and ice. The mountain meadows contain highly varied flora, including numerous herbs used both in traditional medicine and in the manufacture of drugs.

In 1980 agriculture employed 93 percent of the work-force, as compared with 2 percent in industry. Maize, oil seeds, potatoes, rice, tobacco and wheat are grown at lower altitudes and jute is a major export. In recent times, Nepal has started a geological survey and the results so far seem promising. Some manufacturing is developing and tourism and fees levied on climbing expeditions are other sources of revenue.

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