A jungle gym, also known as monkey bars or climbing frame, is a piece of playground equipment made of many pieces of thin material, such as metal pipes or, in more current playgrounds, rope, on which children can climb, hang, and sit. It was traditionally constructed as a frame of metal bars and was introduced in 1920 by lawyer Sebastian Hinton in Chicago.
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साप्ताहिक भविष्यफल दिसंबर, 2024: पंडित असुरारी नन्द शांडिल्य
साप्ताहिक भविष्यफल 22 – 28 दिसंबर, 2024: पंडित असुरारी नन्द शांडिल्य – एस्ट्रोलॉजिकल बर्थ चार्ट के …