Science & Mathematics Questions & Answers

Science & Mathematics Questions & Answers

Button Science & Mathematics Questions & Answers
Science & Mathematics Questions & Answers: Science, Mathematics & Technology (IT) are very important for us. They keep us updated & very frequently or say mostly asked in competitive examinations like NDA, JEEE, NEET etc. Science, Mathematics & Technology (IT) are means of mental and overall growth. We learn how to maintain mental balance in the midst of hopes and despair. Listed are some of the commonly asked questions & answers…
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Science & Mathematics Questions & Answers

  1. What is Mission Shakti? Name the Missile & satellite used in it? – 30/03/2019
  2. Why scratching an itch is so rewarding!
  3. What is talcum powder made of?
  4. What is the difference between champagne and wine?
  5. How does wood become termite-resistant?
  6. What is Eastman colour?
  7. What is acid rain?
  8. Why does photo chromatic glass turn grey in sunlight?
  9. What is the radio-carbon dating method in archaeology?
  10. What is a neutron bomb and how is it different from the atom bomb?
  11. What foaming agent is used in shampoos, soaps etc? Do we use the same thing for all such products?
  12. What are mosquito mats and coils made of? How harmful are they for humans?
  13. How is the age of rocks determined?
  14. What is the difference between a diamond and a crystal?
  15. What is anti-matter?
  16. Why does it hurt more in winters?
  17. Why do birds have to warm their eggs to hatch them, while reptiles, don’t?
  18. Why don’t we see house lizards during winter?
  19. Why do butterflies have powder on their wings?
  20. Why do some insects get attracted towards light?
  21. How can you distinguish between poisonous and non-poisonous snakes?
  22. Why does a wasp sting result in swelling?
  23. How do fish sleep?
  24. How is musk obtained from musk-deer?
  25. How can cockroaches withstand high doses of radioactivity?
  26. How do honey bees make wax?
  27. Why is an owl considered wise?
  28. How does a spider create its web?
  29. Why do some animals chew cud?
  30. If monkeys have evolved into human beings, then how are some monkeys still around?
  31. What is the difference between virus and fungi?
  32. What is the difference between a turtle and a tortoise?
  33. How do butterflies grow wings when caterpillars don’t have them?
  34. What is the mother of pearl?
  35. What is terminated seed technology-based bollygard seeds?
  36. Why do leaves of a touch me not plant fold up when touched?
  37. Why are some plants raised from stalks while others from seeds?
  38. Why do plants flower at a certain time of the day?
  39. Why do flowers smell so nice? What is the course of that smell?
  40. Why can’t coconut and palm trees branch out?
  41. How does a coconut kernel get filled with water and why doesn’t it evaporate?
  42. How is the age of a tree determined?
  43. Why does the mouth become dry when there is a feeling of apprehension, concern or fear?
  44. How is silk obtained?
  45. Why do we blush?
  46. Why do we break our knuckles and where does the sound comes from?
  47. Accidental discovery
  48. Amazing facts about animals
  49. Anyone for the shuttle?
  50. Are all deserts hot?
  51. Are all snakes dangerous?
  52. Are bats really blind?
  53. Are there people on Mars?
  54. At what speed does electricity travel compared to light?
  55. Can a scorpion kill a man?
  56. Can babies really be born in test-tubes?
  57. Can continents drift?
  58. Can cosmic rays generate electricity?
  59. Can excitement be frightening too?
  60. Can objects push back when you push them?
  61. Can people be born in space?
  62. Can people create deserts?
  63. Can rocks bend?
  64. Can sunlight be stored?
  65. Can there be light without heat?
  66. Can you count the stars?
  67. Can you ever hurt a robot?
  68. Can you spot the dragon, the unicorn and the giraffe in the sky?
  69. Could robots ever perform surgical operations?
  70. Cutting without knives and welding without torches-how’s it done?
  71. Did the Romans use flags?
  72. Did you know that the first submarine was powered by just one man?
  73. Do all our joints move?
  74. Do blood groups vary according to race?
  75. Do fighting fishes fight?
  76. Do fish sing?
  77. Do infants sense pain?
  78. Do magnets work in space?
  79. Do mice really like cheese best?
  80. Do people with big ears hear better?
  81. Do snakes eat snakes?
  82. Do we have a stomach clock?
  83. Do Whales and Dolphins see Blue?
  84. Do whales spout water?
  85. Does a bigger brain make you smarter?
  86. Does a comet foretell disaster?
  87. Does all wine get better as it grows older?
  88. Does an electric field affect plant growth?
  89. Fish talk
  90. Hairy star terrorizes the world!
  91. Has the Sun stopped burning?
  92. How 3-D Glasses Work?
  93. How are clouds formed?
  94. How are corrective lenses made?
  95. How are Deaf-mutes taught to speak?
  96. How are electric pylons placed across mountains to transmit electricity?
  97. How are international telephone dialling codes assigned to countries?
  98. How are points in a stock exchange calculated?
  99. How are Stem Cells stored?
  100. How are sunrise and sunset determined for a place?
  101. How are the ages of rocks measured?
  102. How are the maximum and minimum temperatures of a place fixed?
  103. How are ultra-violet rays blocked by the ozone layer?
  104. How are waterfalls formed?
  105. How astronauts urinate in space?
  106. How big is the biggest diamond in the world?
  107. How can ice shape the land?
  108. How can we foretell Earthquake?
  109. How can we see heat?
  110. How can we talk to the stars?
  111. How can we use Water to run Cars?
  112. How can you find the north pole star?
  113. How cold can things get?
  114. How dangerous are crocodiles?
  115. How did a falling apple help in advance cosmology?
  116. How did America get its name?
  117. How did Australia’s sheep industry begin?
  118. How did Chess Begin?
  119. How did New England come into being?
  120. How did New York get its name?
  121. How did Rhode Island come into being?
  122. How did spectacles originate?
  123. How did the abbreviation Dr for doctors originate, and why do engineers not use Er?
  124. How did the Cutty Sark get her name?
  125. How did the early mariners navigate?
  126. How did the invention of the telescope affect cosmology?
  127. How did the planets form?
  128. How do “goose pimples” form?
  129. How do anaesthetics work?
  130. How do animals and plants depend upon each other?
  131. How do anti-allergen drugs work?
  132. How do astronauts ‘walk’ in space?
  133. How do clouds move in the sky?
  134. How do finger and toe nails grow?
  135. How do fish taste?
  136. How do geologists help us?
  137. How do iridium spark plugs differ from regular ones?
  138. How do oysters make pearls?
  139. How do Satellites Stay Up?
  140. How do sensor doors work?
  141. How do snails walk?
  142. How do solar cells convert sunlight into electricity?
  143. How do sponges feed if they cannot move?
  144. How do sunglasses filter ultraviolet rays?
  145. How do trick birthday candles work?
  146. How do we catch a cold?
  147. How do we hear?
  148. How do we see?
  149. How do you test the presence of methanol?
  150. How does a ballpoint pen work?
  151. How does a cryogenic engine work?
  152. How does a disc slip?
  153. How does a laser mouse work?
  154. How does a magnet work?
  155. How does a mirage trick the eye?
  156. How does a mobile tracker work?
  157. How does a mobile vibrate?
  158. How does a Nuclear Bomb differ from a Conventional Bomb?
  159. How does a sea cucumber avoid attack?
  160. How does a snake swallow its prey?
  161. How does a starfish move?
  162. How does a starfish open a mussel with its feet?
  163. How does a submarine stay under water?
  164. How does a Submarine Work?
  165. How does an ant know its way home with no clues in a desert?
  166. How does calcium carbide ripen mangoes?
  167. How Does Dew Form?
  168. How does frost split rocks?
  169. How Does Ice float?
  170. How Does Satellite TV Work?
  171. How does the Earth keep warm?
  172. How does the heart work?
  173. How does the hybrid engine work?
  174. How does the sea affect climates?
  175. How does the sea create new land?
  176. How does the sea from a ‘below hole’?
  177. How does the Secretary bird catch snakes?
  178. How far are stars?
  179. How far away are the stars?
  180. How far can a telescope see?
  181. How fast does ice move on land?
  182. How high can waves reach?
  183. How hot is a star?
  184. How is a satellite phone different from a cellular phone?
  185. How is an atom’s mass measured?
  186. How is buffalo mozzarella made?
  187. How is doldrum pressure formed?
  188. How is inflation calculated?
  189. How is paper made?
  190. How is Paper Perfumed?
  191. How is salt made?
  192. How is the distance between planets calculated?
  193. How is the height of different places on earth measured from the sea level?
  194. How is the height of water tides predicted?
  195. How is the mass of heavenly bodies measured?
  196. How is the temperature of a star measured?
  197. How is the time difference between two countries calculated?
  198. How long do people live?
  199. How long does it take to digest meat?
  200. How long has man been walking the Earth?
  201. How long is the Giraffe’s tongue?
  202. How many bones are there in the human body?
  203. How many bones are there in the human skull?
  204. How many flowers must a bee tap to make a pound of honey?
  205. How many hairs grow on the human head?
  206. How many kinds of clouds are there?
  207. How many kinds of insect are there?
  208. How many kinds of Springs are There?
  209. How many people can fly in a space shuttle?
  210. How many sets of teeth do we grow?
  211. How many stars are there?
  212. How many wolves are there in a wolf-pack?
  213. How much blood can you give to others?
  214. How much salt is there in the sea?
  215. How old rockets?
  216. How the clouds are formed?
  217. How the Sun shines?
  218. How to create the MJ diamond?
  219. How was coffee brought to Brazil?
  220. How was the first world map drawn?
  221. How was Tutankhamen’s tomb discovered?
  222. How Will our Sun Die?
  223. How will the sun die?
  224. I can drink something really hot, but if it spills on me, it would burn. Why?
  225. If a man can jump 5 feet from the surface of the earth, how high would that same man jump on the surface of the moon?
  226. If guerrillas are not a kind of ape, what are they?
  227. If leaves get their colour from chlorophyll, what gives flowers their colour?
  228. If noble gases are supposed to be inert and unreactive, how is krypton difluoride formed?
  229. If the density of gold is more than that of iron, why is gold softer than iron?
  230. Is an octopus dangerous to man?
  231. Is blood the only fluid circulating in the body?
  232. Is cartilage the same as bone?
  233. Is fresh air really fresh?
  234. Is it possible for all planets in our solar system to align in a straight line?
  235. Is it possible to conduct electricity without wires?
  236. Is it possible to slow down or speed time up?
  237. Is rain water completely pure?
  238. Is the dolphin a fish or a mammal?
  239. Is the earth perfectly round?
  240. Is the universe expanding?
  241. Is there a 10th planet?
  242. Is there a place where the sun never sets?
  243. Is there life on other planets?
  244. Is There Really a Chemistry of Love?
  245. Loch Ness monster- does it exist?
  246. Millions of people wear spectacles but how did they develop?
  247. Of all metals, why does mercury have the lowest melting point?
  248. Of what use our eyebrows?
  249. Praying for prey
  250. Skylab and spacelab-what’s the difference?
  251. Sunsets appear reddish why?
  252. Tape or disc-what’s best in video?
  253. The first explorers
  254. Tidal waves occur at night due to the moon’s attraction. Though the moon is present in the day too, why are there no tidal waves?
  255. What are advantages of four wheel drive?
  256. What are anticyclones? How are they caused?
  257. What are batholiths?
  258. What are bionic buildings?
  259. What are block mountains?
  260. What are chilblains?
  261. What are cladograms?
  262. What are dendrimers?
  263. What are eddy currents?
  264. What are ferns?
  265. What are fissure eruptions?
  266. What are Fizeau’s fringes?
  267. What are fossils?
  268. What are galactic superclusters?
  269. What are glaciers and icebergs?
  270. What are hatchet fishes?
  271. What are hormones?
  272. What are ironwoods?
  273. What are lines of Latitude and Longitude?
  274. What are magic bullets in pharmaceutical terms? 
  275. What are mammatus clouds and how are they formed?
  276. What are Mineral Springs and Thermal Springs?
  277. What are mocap suits?
  278. What are mosaics?
  279. What are nerves?
  280. What are ores, and where might you expect to find them?
  281. What are polar coordinates?
  282. What are quarks and gluons?
  283. What are quasars?
  284. What are red tides?
  285. What are reflexes?
  286. What are rift valleys?
  287. What are sciophytes?
  288. What are slats?
  289. What are SQUIDS in physics?
  290. What are superpartners of particles?
  291. What are teasels used for?
  292. What are teeth made of?
  293. What are textonyms?
  294. What are the endocrine glands?
  295. What are the grand and Dogger Banks?
  296. What are the main kinds of wood?
  297. What are the sinuses?
  298. What are the speeds of diesel and electric locomotive engines?
  299. What are the three sacred treasures of Japan?
  300. What are the uses of the telephone?
  301. What are thunder and lightning?
  302. What are transparent soaps made of?
  303. What are T-rays?
  304. What are ungulates?
  305. What are Volcanic Tubeworms?
  306. What are warm holes in Physics?
  307. What are wave snakes?
  308. What causes a dimple?
  309. What causes different skin colours?
  310. What causes floods?
  311. What causes the changes of sea-level?
  312. What causes the white marks which sometimes appear on our finger nails?
  313. What causes tidal waves?
  314. What causes whirlpools?
  315. What color eyes do most people have?
  316. What creates a dust bowl?
  317. What day of the week will it be, a year from today?
  318. What did Captain Cook prove in the Southern Hemisphere?
  319. What did the dinosaur have for breakfast?
  320. What do guide-dogs do?
  321. What do hot deserts look like?
  322. What do our lungs work?
  323. What do skates eat?
  324. What does ‘Bt’ in Bt brinjal signify?
  325. What does ‘robot’ means?
  326. What does ‘tropicalized’ on a radio set signify?
  327. What does a tree have to be pruned?
  328. What does Burundanga mean?
  329. What does cold blooded mean?
  330. What does Freefonix refer to?
  331. What does mineral water contain?
  332. What does mirror image mean in biological terminology?
  333. What does RAPD stand for?
  334. What does Roadrunner refer to?
  335. What does stirring up a hornets nest mean?
  336. What does the appendix do?
  337. What does the camel store in its hump?
  338. What does the future have in store for our planet?
  339. What does the skeleton do?
  340. What does waterlogged mean?
  341. What does Zumba refer to?
  342. What dyes are used to ink tattoos?
  343. What fish swims standing up?
  344. What form of transport is so big that 400 people could play tennis on it at the same time?
  345. What gives sunrise and sunset an orange glow?
  346. What happened to the men of the Mary Celeste?
  347. What happens to mouthful of meat we eat?
  348. What imparts fragrance to flowers, fruits and spices?
  349. What is ‘feeling stressurised’?
  350. What is 4-D cinema?
  351. What is a ‘longship’?
  352. What is a ‘motte and bailey’ castle?
  353. What is a ‘tester’?
  354. What is a ‘nano-factory’?
  355. What is a 120-cell?
  356. What is a banana bond?
  357. What is a blind hole?
  358. What is a bonobo?
  359. What is a boomburb?
  360. What is a buckyball?
  361. What is a Bunsen burner?
  362. What is a cameo?
  363. What is a cantenna?
  364. What is a cascade effect?
  365. What is a catalyst?
  366. What is a chemical bond? How is it formed?
  367. What is a chromophore?
  368. What is a cogwheel train?
  369. What is a coronary?
  370. What is a Cotton Candy?
  371. What is a cryosurgery?
  372. What is a Csa climate?
  373. What is a culture and sensitivity test?
  374. What is a cyclone?
  375. What is a datum line in geography?
  376. What is a depression?
  377. What is a detergent?
  378. What is a dhow?
  379. What is a diamond?
  380. What is a digital pet?
  381. What is a dormant volcano?
  382. What is a Dowser?
  383. What is a dum dum bullet?
  384. What is a false vacuum?
  385. What is a fish plate in rail terminology and Greek culture?
  386. What is a fish-eye lens?
  387. What is a flipbook?
  388. What is a gluten-free diet?
  389. What is a Great Circle?
  390. What is a gyroscope?
  391. What is a heat budget?
  392. What is a hermit crab?
  393. What is a histogram in photography?
  394. What is a Jordan Curve?
  395. What is a Jovian planet?
  396. What is a keystone species?
  397. What is a Kuiper belt?
  398. What is a kymograph?
  399. What is a light year and how long is it?
  400. What is a magnet?
  401. What is a mammal?
  402. What is a memristor?
  403. What is a micelle?
  404. What is a mirage?
  405. What is a mud bath?
  406. What is a nebula?
  407. What is a nocebo?
  408. What is a nuclear meltdown?
  409. What is a persuasive mirror?
  410. What is a prime number?
  411. What is a pulsar?
  412. What is a quadrillion?
  413. What is a race?
  414. What is a rack railway?
  415. What is a rain shadow?
  416. What is a scale model?
  417. What is a SCRAM shutdown?
  418. What is a seed crystal?
  419. What is a shooting star?
  420. What is a Sociometer?
  421. What is a solar balloon?
  422. What is a Solar Cooker?
  423. What is a solar forest?
  424. What is a Solid State Drive?
  425. What is a stimulus shelter?
  426. What is a suction excavator?
  427. What is a sungrazer?
  428. What is a super galaxy?
  429. What is a telectroscope?
  430. What is a teleprinter?
  431. What is a theodolite used for?
  432. What is a time capsule?
  433. What is a time loop?
  434. What is a tornado?
  435. What is a unitasker?
  436. What is a vacuum?
  437. What is a volantor?
  438. What is a Volcano?
  439. What is a white hole?
  440. What is a wildscape?
  441. What is a wormhole?
  442. What is a zwitter ion?
  443. What is acid rain?
  444. What is acrolein?
  445. What is administratium?
  446. What is air hunger?
  447. What is albedo?
  448. What is an Achilles heel?
  449. What is an adobe?
  450. What is an aerosol?
  451. What is an albino?
  452. What is an alchemist?
  453. What is an aMap?
  454. What is an AMOLED display?
  455. What is an aqueduct?
  456. What is an artificial coral?
  457. What is an atomic pile?
  458. What is an automatic car?
  459. What is an ecosystem?
  460. What is an electrocardiograph?
  461. What is an electron gun?
  462. What is an emulsifier?
  463. What is an epicenter?
  464. What is anthropocene epoch?
  465. What is apogee?
  466. What is apomixis? How does it differ from amphimixis?
  467. What is argemone oil?
  468. What is arterial grafting?
  469. What is artificial gravity?
  470. What is Artificial Intelligence?
  471. What is astrobiology?
  472. What is azimuth in astrology?
  473. What is balance?
  474. What is balata and where is it used?
  475. What is baryogenesis?
  476. What is bee dancing?
  477. What is bibliotherapy?
  478. What is Big Ben?
  479. What is bio-amplification?
  480. What is black energy?
  481. What is black gold?
  482. What is blood group?
  483. What is bluejacking?
  484. What is bow shock?
  485. What is Bowman’s Capsule?
  486. What is broken symmetry?
  487. What is capnography?
  488. What is captured rotation?
  489. What is carbon dating?
  490. What is carnival glass?
  491. What is catarrh?
  492. What is Chargaff ‘s rule of base equivalence?
  493. What is claytronics?
  494. What is Cloning?
  495. What is coal?
  496. What is cold welding?
  497. What is Composting?
  498. What is concentrated solar power plant?
  499. What is continuous partial attention?
  500. What is contour ploughing?
  501. What is convexification?
  502. What is Coriolis Force?
  503. What is Cosmology?
  504. What is Cotton Candy?
  505. What is cybertecture?
  506. What is cyclotron?
  507. What is Darwin IV planet?
  508. What is Defty?
  509. What is Dissociative Identity Disorder?
  510. What is Dragon’s Triangle?
  511. What is DRD4 gene?
  512. What is dry ice?
  513. What is dust?
  514. What is eco-bling?
  515. What is Einstein’s Rule of 72?
  516. What is electrospinning?
  517. What is emission trading?
  518. What is Enneagram Personality?
  519. What is erosion?
  520. What is ESP?
  521. What is excitement?
  522. What is fleur-de-lis?
  523. What is gas flaring and why is it done?
  524. What is gene doping?
  525. What is genetic drift?
  526. What is Geothermal Energy?
  527. What is gingivitis?
  528. What is glacier and how does it move?
  529. What is glass fiber?
  530. What is glass made of?
  531. What is global cooling?
  532. What is Gradenigo’s Syndrome?
  533. What is green chemistry?
  534. What is Green Energy?
  535. What is green fluorescent protein?
  536. What is green oil?
  537. What is Grounded Theory?
  538. What is Guano?
  539. What is HAARP?
  540. What is half life?
  541. What is Ham Radio?
  542. What is hard water?
  543. What is hydrocracking technology in petroleum refining?
  544. What is ICOR in economics?
  545. What is heraldry?
  546. What is Ikebana?
  547. What is immunohistochemis-try?
  548. What is Industrial Melanism? 
  549. What is isinglass?
  550. What is kinship analysis?
  551. What is laser photonics fabrication?
  552. What is liquid air?
  553. What is Loop Quantum Cosmology?
  554. What is lumbago?
  555. What is macrobiotics?
  556. What is Magic Acid?
  557. What is Magic Sand?
  558. What is malnutrition?
  559. What is maquis?
  560. What is mass spectroscopy?
  561. What is micro-propagation?
  562. What is microtomy?
  563. What is mobile elbow?
  564. What is molecular phylogeny?
  565. What is more important in keeping us alive, food or water?
  566. What is Munchausen Syndrome?
  567. What is nephology?
  568. What is nomophobia?
  569. What is October heat?
  570. What is Olbers’ paradox?
  571. What is ophidiophobia?
  572. What is otolaryngology?
  573. What is our skin made of?
  574. What is pack ice?
  575. What is Pareto’s (80-20) rule of automation?
  576. What is Parkinson’s disease?
  577. What is parthenocarpy?
  578. What is Pascal’s wager?
  579. What is passive immunity?
  580. What is permafrost?
  581. What is pesticide peril in vegetables?
  582. What is phantom fat?
  583. What is Philosopher’s wool?
  584. What is photosynthesis?
  585. What is pisciculture?
  586. What is Pluto – a Star or a Comet?
  587. What is polygraphy?
  588. What is presbyopia? Which lens is used to correct it?
  589. What is proton therapy?
  590. What is Push to Talk feature in mobile phones?
  591. What is quasi-resonance?
  592. What is radar used for?
  593. What is Raman Scattering?
  594. What is Rhesus?
  595. What is rhinology?
  596. What is Riemann Hypothesis?
  597. What is safety glass?
  598. What is sanskrit?
  599. What is scalar energy? What are scalar pendants?
  600. What is scarlet fever?
  601. What is seaflux?
  602. What is singularity in Physics?
  603. What is sleep walking?
  604. What is smart antenna technology?
  605. What is soap?
  606. What is spider silk?
  607. What is Stevenson’s Screen?
  608. What is Strepulsion Physics?
  609. What is stuttering or stammering?
  610. What is summer ploughing?
  611. What is surface diffusion?
  612. What is swan-upping?
  613. What is sweet crude oil?
  614. What is switchgrass?
  615. What is taiga?
  616. What is taste?
  617. What is terminator gene technology?
  618. What is tetanus?
  619. What is the ‘plum pudding’ model of an atom?
  620. What is the Alexander Technique?
  621. What is the alphabet of genetics?
  622. What is the anti-greenhouse effect?
  623. What is the anti-sense gene?
  624. What is the atomic number of the element named after Einstein?
  625. What is the Aufbau Principle?
  626. What is the backwash effect?
  627. What is the Bathtub Theorem?
  628. What is the capacity of the human stomach?
  629. What is the Buffon’s needle problem?
  630. What is the cause of the earth’s magnetic field?
  631. What is the chemical composition of ivory?
  632. What is the colours of Light?
  633. What is the concept of a time machine? How does it work?
  634. What is the Delta Triangle?
  635. What is the difference between a computer screen and a gaming console?
  636. What is the difference between a fruit and a vegetable?
  637. What is the difference between a star and a planet?
  638. What is the difference between alligators and crocodiles?
  639. What is the difference between an Atom Bomb and Hydrogen Bomb?
  640. What is the difference between Artisan Well and Spring?
  641. What is the difference between creepers and climbers?
  642. What is the difference between soybean and moong bean sprouts?
  643. What is the different between the position of the human brain and that of other animals? 
  644. What is the dog house in the glass industry?
  645. What is the Doppler Effect?
  646. What is the E layer?
  647. What is the EEC?
  648. What is the Empty Quarter?
  649. What is the energy crisis?
  650. What is the Fermi Problem?
  651. What is the fifth dimension?
  652. What is the Fog Index?
  653. What is the full form of AK-47 and what does 47 refer to?
  654. What is the God Particle?
  655. What is the golden angle?
  656. What is the Great Rift Valley?
  657. What is the greatest distance you can see?
  658. What is the importance of plants in life’s framework?
  659. What is the inert pair effect?
  660. What is the international space station?
  661. What is the jump seat in the cockpit of an aircraft?
  662. What is the Large Hadron Collider project?
  663. What is the largest living bird?
  664. What is the Latur pattern of study?
  665. What is the law of parsimony?
  666. What is the legend of the Golden Fleece?
  667. What is the lost-wax process?
  668. What is the mind’s clock?
  669. What is the most dangerous part of spaceflight?
  670. What is the most poisonous snake in the world?
  671. What is the mystery of “falling stars”?
  672. What is the nasal septum?
  673. What is the OLE Robotic Beetle?
  674. What is the origin of Formula 1?
  675. What is the origin of the Marathon race?
  676. What is the PackBot?
  677. What is the pasteurized milk?
  678. What is the principle of a voltage stabilizer?
  679. What is the purpose of blood?
  680. What is the Quantum God effect?
  681. What is the role of H2O2 in the grey-hair puzzle?
  682. What is the Saros Cycle?
  683. What is the Schwarzschild Radius?
  684. What is the Scopes Trial?
  685. What is the secret behind feeling momentarily weightless in an elevator?
  686. What is the secret of Stonehenge?
  687. What is the Seebeck Effect?
  688. What is the significance of the date 2 June 1953?
  689. What is the Software for Life?
  690. What is the Sorlod Space System?
  691. What is the Sortino Ratio?
  692. What is the source of allethrin?
  693. What is the Spanish Riding School?
  694. What is the stroboscopic effect?
  695. What is the strongest material known to man?
  696. What is the sun?
  697. What is the SuperMemo?
  698. What is the symbol for recycling?
  699. What is the Time Preference Theory of Interest?
  700. What is the Trail behind a Jet?
  701. What is the Treynor Ratio?
  702. What is the uncertainty principle?
  703. What is the unit of magnetic power?
  704. What is the Venus Project?
  705. What is the Weight of Air?
  706. What is the white cloud formed when a plane breaks through the sound barrier?
  707. What is the world’s remotest inhabited country?
  708. What is the yuppie flu?
  709. What is thigmotropism?
  710. What is time dilation?
  711. What is tongue grafting?
  712. What is unbreakable glass made of, and is it really unbreakable?
  713. What is Universal Time Coordinated?
  714. What is uranium dating?
  715. What is Vigenere cipher?
  716. What is virus?
  717. What is Water Harvesting?
  718. What is wet wing in aeronautical terms?
  719. What is white noise?
  720. What is wingloading of an aircraft?
  721. What is xenotransplantation?
  722. What is xeriscaping?
  723. What is zero net?
  724. What jet streams?
  725. What keeps you afloat in the water?
  726. What kinds of tools did early man use?
  727. What makes a boomerang?
  728. What makes a pencil “bend” when it’s put in water?
  729. What makes a stainless steel stainless?
  730. What makes a stone fall when it is thrown in the air?
  731. What makes honey sweet?
  732. What makes silver tarnish?
  733. What makes grass green?
  734. What makes the Egg Shell so strong?
  735. What makes the holes in a piece of bread?
  736. What makes the wind blow?
  737. What makes whales mammals?
  738. What makes you see double?
  739. What measured in watts?
  740. What part did Captain Bligh play in the history of ay in the Australia?
  741. What popularized mountain climbing?
  742. What story does the Bayeux Tapestry tell?
  743. What strange animals were discovered in Australia?
  744. What substance do bones of birds contain?
  745. What the best sound on record?
  746. What was ‘EI Dorado’?
  747. What was ‘Mons Meg’?
  748. What was ‘The Island of the Blessed’?
  749. What was a ‘lobster-tail pot’?
  750. What was a gorget?
  751. What was a knifeboard?
  752. What was a treadmill?
  753. What was chain mail?
  754. What was found at Sutton Hoo?
  755. What was motoring’s Emancipation Day?
  756. What was Pangaea?
  757. What was the Boston Tea Party?
  758. What was the first life on the Earth?
  759. What was the first products brought back from the New World?
  760. What was the Fram?
  761. What was the Indian Mutiny?
  762. What was the legend of the flying horse?
  763. What was the North-west Passage?
  764. What was the original home of motor racing?
  765. What was the Pony Express?
  766. What was the screech owl’s original name?
  767. What was the secret of the Trojan horse?
  768. What were the first robots?
  769. What were the Pillars of Hercules?
  770. What were the Roman Legions?
  771. What were the Voyager Missions?
  772. What would we do without Coal?
  773. What would we do without Salt?
  774. What would we do without soap?
  775. What would we do without wool?
  776. What years are leap years?
  777. What’s so funny about your ‘Funny-bone’?
  778. What’s the world’s first software?
  779. What’s geometric in geometric progression?
  780. What’s special about the encoded cylinder?
  781. What’s the Aafbau principle?
  782. What’s the bellows in the accordion?
  783. What’s the doomsday vault?
  784. What’s the medicinal value of eel?
  785. What’s unique about the Rio Grande River?
  786. When did mail coaches operate?
  787. When did talking movies start?
  788. When did the first electric train appear?
  789. When do plants breathe?
  790. When does a car use overdrive?
  791. When does a forest become petrified?
  792. When does a tree stop growing?
  793. When does apple scab occur?
  794. When does litmus paper turn red?
  795. When is a country not a country?
  796. When is the best time to launch a rocket to the moon?
  797. When is the earth nearest to the sun?
  798. When the Earth solidified?
  799. When the first mountains were formed?
  800. When the first rocks were formed?
  801. When was a sea captain treated like a god?
  802. When was concrete invented?
  803. When was history made in twelve seconds?
  804. When was rubber discovered?
  805. When was the first lighthouse built?
  806. When water appeared on the Earth?
  807. When were breakfast cereals first used?
  808. When were bricks first used?
  809. When were parachutes first used?
  810. When will the Oceans of the Earth Overflow?
  811. Where and what are the galaxies?
  812. Where are the biggest ice blocks?
  813. Where are the hottest and coldest places in the solar system?
  814. Where are the world’s oldest rocks?
  815. Where did east meet west in the United States?
  816. Where did Shoes come from?
  817. Where did the French first settle in America?
  818. Where do bath sponges come from?
  819. Where do butterflies lay their eggs?
  820. Where do chimpanzees sleep?
  821. Where do dreams go when you wake up?
  822. Where do sounds of heartbeat come from?
  823. Where do spacecraft get their power?
  824. Where do Volcanoes occur?
  825. Where do we get the word denim from?
  826. Where do you find cowrie shells?
  827. Where does candlewax go when a candle burns?
  828. Where does cork come from?
  829. Where does lichen Grow?
  830. Where does sand come from?
  831. Where does television come from?
  832. Where does the body store its energy?
  833. Where does the lead in exhaust fumes come from?
  834. Where does the term in the chair come from?
  835. Where does tobacco come from?
  836. Where is ‘the biggest pebble in the world’?
  837. Where does vanilla come from?
  838. Where is Burkina Faso?
  839. Where is nectar produced?
  840. Where is Silicon valley?
  841. Where is tea-drinking a time-honoured ritual?
  842. Where is the Ark Royal?
  843. Where is the largest Oasis?
  844. Where is the world’s driest place?
  845. Where is the world’s largest delta?
  846. Where is the world’s sunniest place?
  847. Where is your center of gravity?
  848. Where was the first zoo?
  849. Where was the world before it was made?
  850. Where will water not boil?
  851. Where would you find a breadfruit tree?
  852. Where would you find pearls?
  853. Where would you look for a baobab tree?
  854. Which the world’s highest mountain?
  855. Which animal spends its life upside-down?
  856. Which animals and plants are in the most danger?
  857. Which animals are among the largest that have ever lived?
  858. Which Book Carries Its Own Light?
  859. Which bounces higher?
  860. Which compound is used in making bulletproof jackets?
  861. Which country has the largest reserves of petroleum?
  862. Which early settler’s life was saved by an Indian girl?
  863. Which European discovered the Victoria Falls?
  864. Which European language is unique?
  865. Which Europeans first landed in Australia?
  866. Which fossils are you most likely to find?
  867. Which Galaxy is Visible to the Eye?
  868. Which goldfishes are freaks?
  869. Which invention has enabled people to swim freely underwater?
  870. Which invention improved both cookery and education?
  871. Which is our biggest bone?
  872. Which is the brightest Star?
  873. Which is the first company to use barcode for sales?
  874. Which is the most massive steel structure?
  875. Which is the most pointless gadget?
  876. Which is the strongest industrial glue?
  877. Which is the world’s biggest gorge?
  878. Which is the world’s busiest port?
  879. Which is the world’s chief food crop?
  880. Which is the world’s hottest pepper?
  881. Which is the world’s largest city?
  882. Which is the world’s longest mobile phone?
  883. Which kind of ball-rubber or steel-will bounce higher?
  884. Which kind of boat really flies through the water?
  885. Which life-saving invention was inspired by the umbrella?
  886. Which missile is nicknamed ‘tin fish’?
  887. Which order ‘exceeds in majesty, honour and fame all Chivalrous Orders of the World?
  888. Which pirate was also an explorer?
  889. Which plant has the biggest seed in the plant kingdom?
  890. Which the deepest spot in the sea?
  891. Which was the first public railway worked entirely by steam locomotive?
  892. Which was the largest battleship ever built?
  893. Who are NEO consumers?
  894. Who are the tallest and shortest people?
  895. Who came up with the concept of vacuum?
  896. Who discovered comets? How is the tail formed?
  897. Who discovered Newfoundland?
  898. Who discovered the Mississippi River?
  899. Who discovered the source of the Nile?
  900. Who discovered the St Lawrence River?
  901. Who divided the world in two?
  902. Who explained the evolution of man?
  903. Who first explored America’s Far West?
  904. Who first explored central Australia?
  905. Who first flew the Atlantic non-stop?
  906. Who first reached the North and South Poles?
  907. Who first reached the Poles by aircraft?
  908. Who first sailed from Europe to India?
  909. Who first sailed north of the Magnetic North Pole?
  910. Who first traced the course of the Congo?
  911. Who first traced the route of the Mississippi River?
  912. Who founded the Red Cross?
  913. Who founded YouTube?
  914. Who gave Maryland its name?
  915. Who gave the colony of Virginia its name?
  916. Who invented Coca Cola?
  917. Who invented Hello?
  918. Who invented Popsicle
  919. Who invented Potato Chips?
  920. Who invented tennis?
  921. Who invented the alarm clock?
  922. Who invented the Cigarette?
  923. Who invented the Electrocardiograph?
  924. Who invented the first thermos flask?
  925. Who Invented the Match?
  926. Who invented the pen drive?
  927. Who Invented The Pen?
  928. Who invented the thermometer?
  929. Who invented the zipper? Why do most Zippers have the letters YKK on them?
  930. Who is a gelotologist?
  931. Who is a warmist?
  932. Who is known as a cragger?
  933. Who is man exploring outer space?
  934. Who is Tommy Atkins?
  935. Who led the way to the stars?
  936. Who made a famous discovery in his bath?
  937. Who predicted that radio and other waves and rays exist?
  938. Who rediscovered Cretan civilization?
  939. Who sailed a train?
  940. Who was ‘The Lion Heart’?
  941. Who was Australia’s most famous explorer?
  942. Who was Sir Isaac Newton?
  943. Who was the first Englishman to sail around the world?
  944. Who was the first explorer known by name?
  945. Who was the first explorer of the Sahara?
  946. Who was the first woman to become a great scientist?
  947. Who was Typhoid Mary?
  948. Who was William Morris?
  949. Who were Romulus and Remus?
  950. Who were the ‘Bird Men’?
  951. Who were the ‘Noble Six Hundred’?
  952. Who were the Aztecs?
  953. Who were the first explorers?
  954. Who were the Green Mountain Boys?
  955. Who were the Incas?
  956. Who were the Pilgrim Fathers?
  957. Who wrote the American national anthem?
  958. Why are acentric chromosomes genetically inactive?
  959. Why are archers lie on their backs to shoot an arrow?
  960. Why are astronauts weightless in space?
  961. Why are Australians called ‘Diggers’?
  962. Why are cancer and AIDS so feared?
  963. Why are celestial bodies spherical in shape?
  964. Why are Chinese calendars based on animals?
  965. Why are clouds always changing their shapes?
  966. Why are danger signals in red although the eye is most sensitive to yellow and green?
  967. Why are Eggs Oval?
  968. Why are fingers of different lengths helpful to us?
  969. Why are fingerprints of identical twins not alike, whereas that of two clones are supposed to be identical?
  970. Why are ice-skates made of steel?
  971. Why are large ships called liners?
  972. Why are most springs in valleys or low places?
  973. Why are only a few metals magnetic?
  974. Why are planets generally spherical?
  975. Why are some materials colder to the touch than others?
  976. Why are some metals chromium plated?
  977. Why are some people diabetic?
  978. Why are some people left-handed?
  979. Why are Some Plants Non-vegetarian?
  980. Why are stars grouped in constellations?
  981. Why are there waves on the sea?
  982. Why are viruses at the borderline of living and non-living things?
  983. Why are zodiac signs named after animals?
  984. Why can’t the Sun melt Snow?
  985. Why can’t we see in the dark?
  986. Why do Ears Pop?
  987. Why do flowers have different smells and colours?
  988. Why do flowers have sepals?
  989. Why do food packages carry Kcal when they actually specify calories and not kilo-calories?
  990. Why do laurel and holy trees have shiny waxy leaves?
  991. Why do most birds jump on land instead of walking?
  992. Why do muscles ache after exercise?
  993. Why do newspapers print a combination of four dots – blue, pink, yellow, black – at the bottom of each page?
  994. Why do not Birds on a wire get a shock?
  995. Why do objects appear reversed in a mirror?
  996. Why do oil and water not mix?
  997. Why do our faces turn red when we do something wrong?
  998. Why do particles and anti-particles, when they come in contact, annihilate each other?
  999. Why do passengers board, alight an aircraft only from the left?
  1000. Why do people have hair?
  1001. Why do people snore?
  1002. Why do people study cybernetics?
  1003. Why do people sweat when they are frightened?
  1004. Why Do Plants Bear Fruit?
  1005. Why do soldiers wear khaki?
  1006. Why do some acids burn?
  1007. Why do some liquid burn?
  1008. Why do some people have their appendix removed?
  1009. Why do Some People snore More than Others?
  1010. Why do some people walk and talk in their sleep?
  1011. Why do some trees lose their leaves in winter?
  1012. Why Do Stars Twinkle?
  1013. Why do the Nilgiris appear blue from a distance?
  1014. Why do we blink when a hammer strikes metal?
  1015. Why do we Blink?
  1016. Why do we cup our hands around our mouth to call someone far away?
  1017. Why do we dream?
  1018. Why do we get cramps mainly in the calf muscles?
  1019. Why do we get electricity in our hair?
  1020. Why Do We Get Hiccups?
  1021. Why do we have a Leap Year?
  1022. Why do we have hiccups?
  1023. Why Do We Have Wrinkly Fingers After Swimming?
  1024. Why do we need salt?
  1025. Why do we need vitamins?
  1026. Why do we need water?
  1027. Why do we See a Face on the Moon?
  1028. Why do we sleep?
  1029. Why do we turn white when frightened?
  1030. Why do we use fingertips to touch and feel things?
  1031. Why does a bull react violently to the colour red?
  1032. Why does a falling object have no weight?
  1033. Why does a hair-cut not hurt?
  1034. Why does a magnet attract iron?
  1035. Why does a volcano erupt?
  1036. Why does alternating current repel while direct current attract objects?
  1037. Why does an automobile have a carburetor?
  1038. Why does an electric light bulb give off light?
  1039. Why does an iron nail gain weight on rusting?
  1040. Why does an iron work only when it is hot?
  1041. Why does Cola Fizz?
  1042. Why does color fade?
  1043. Why does February have 28 days, and July and August, 31 days?
  1044. Why does hair turn grey?
  1045. Why does iron go red when heated?
  1046. Why does it hurt our eyes to look at snow on a sunny day?
  1047. Why does one need to boil milk repeatedly to preserve it without refrigeration?
  1048. Why does snow look white but water is colorless?
  1049. Why does steel glow when it’s hot?
  1050. Why does the black box remain intact in an air crash?
  1051. Why does the jasmine bloom only at night?
  1052. Why does the moon appear upside down in the southern hemisphere?
  1053. Why does the sky look blue from the earth and black from the moon?
  1054. Why does the Sun follow You?
  1055. Why does the sun sometimes burn our skin?
  1056. Why does the touch-me-not shrink when touched?
  1057. Why does the WWF logo feature a panda?
  1058. Why does water not soak into our skin?
  1059. Why Does Water stay Cool in ‘Matkas’?
  1060. Why does wood have a grain?
  1061. Why doesn’t one key open every door?
  1062. Why doesn’t our stomach get digested?
  1063. Why doesn’t the sun shine at night?
  1064. Why doesn’t distilled water conduct electricity?
  1065. Why don’t Birds on a wire get a shock?
  1066. Why don’t cranes topple over?
  1067. Why don’t trees grow on mountain tops?
  1068. Why don’t men have tails?
  1069. Why don’t two-wheelers have a reverse gear?
  1070. Why don’t we feel the tonnes of atmospheric pressure?
  1071. Why don’t we laugh when we tickle ourselves?
  1072. Why is a 10-watt bulb known as a zero bulb?
  1073. Why is a blunderbuss so called?
  1074. Why is a diesel engine more efficient than the petrol engine?
  1075. Why is a holiday in the mountains generally good for the health?
  1076. Why is a new clock timed 10:10?
  1077. Why is a sperm whale called so?
  1078. Why is a swine flu mask called N95?
  1079. Why is a transformer core always cubical in shape?
  1080. Why is an atom spherical in shape?
  1081. Why is Blue-ray disc black on top?
  1082. Why is breathing necessary?
  1083. Why is calcium sulphate hemihydrates called Plaster of Paris?
  1084. Why is earthing necessary for electrical appliances?
  1085. Why is Einstein famous?
  1086. Why is glass brittle?
  1087. Why is glass transparent?
  1088. Why is hat-making called millinery?
  1089. Why is it cooler at higher altitudes?
  1090. Why is it harder to walk uphill than downhill?
  1091. Why is liquid ammonia used in ice plants?
  1092. Why is mercury called the forgotten planet?
  1093. Why is pig iron called so?
  1094. Why is Prince Henry of Portugal called ‘The Navigator’?
  1095. Why is quartz used in watches?
  1096. Why is radioactivity dangerous?
  1097. Why is sea air good for us?
  1098. Why is sea water very high in salt content?
  1099. Why is sleep known as the strange state of human body?
  1100. Why is the Ball-point Pen Called So?
  1101. Why is the Dead Sea dead?
  1102. Why is the empty space in a car measured in litres?
  1103. Why is the flame of a candle pointed?
  1104. Why is the shuttle like a saucer?
  1105. Why is the summer hot?
  1106. Why is the word love used in tennis?
  1107. Why is there usually a yew in many old churchyards?
  1108. Why is yawning infectious?
  1109. Why men are better navigators, and women have better memory
  1110. Why should we wash our hands before meals?
  1111. Why some creepy crawlies give you the creeps?
  1112. Why the sky appears blue?
  1113. Why was Africa the center of the slave trade?
  1114. Why was the ‘penny-farthing’ so called?
  1115. Why’s the Sun Red during Sunrise and Sunset?
  1116. Why’s it hard for Ketchup to flow?
  1117. With which Indian tribes did the American settlers come in contact?

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