What is a neutron bomb and how is it different from the atom bomb?

What is a neutron bomb and how is it different from the atom bomb?

A neutron bomb is a small nuclear weapon which makes use of a neutron-rich substance.

This emits neutrons and gamma rays lethal within a radius of 1 to 2 kilometre. It does not destroy concrete structures and plant life, but only humans and animals. Deaths are caused due to penetration of neutrons and gamma rays.

An atom bomb produces energy equivalent to the energy produced by burning 50,00.000 tonnes of TNT. It explodes due to fission. Nuclei of uranium 235 arc bombarded with neutrons.

As soon as the nucleus splits into two, three neutrons and 200 mev of energy are produced. These neutrons split the other uranium nuclei and soon a chain reaction develops producing enormous energy, which destroys everything in its path.

Funny Logics

  • A neutron bomb is a kind to mankind but very kind to lifeless things.
  • Just as the Bajrang Dal is different from the VHP.

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