What is the difference between virus and fungi?

What is the difference between virus and fungi?

Virus is a Latin word meaning poison. Viruses are non-cellular ultramicroscopic, particles of protein and nucleic acids. They grow and reproduce naturally in the living cells of more complex organisms where they may cause disease. Virus has a variety of shapes, sizes and complexities. Several viruses infect plant other than bacteria and blue-green algae. A large number of them infect human beings and cause diseases.

Fungus is a Latin word which means mushrooms. Fungi are non-green, nucleated thallophytes i.e. A type of simple plant that have no roots, stem, flowers or seeds. Their body is made up of branching threads called hyphae. Fungi extract energy from their environment through extra-cellular digestion and absorption of the digested material in the form of solution.

Funny Logics

  • Fungi is graminivarous while virus is a parasite.
  • Funny is visible whereas virus is invisible, at least to the naked eye.
  • Virus infects the software of computers and fungi infects its hardware.
  • The same as between zoology and botany.

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