What are the Causes of Child Labour?

What are the causes of Child Labour?

There are various reasons of child labour in our country. Some of the causes of global child labour are similar however differ country to country. Most common reasons are like poverty, repression of child rights, improper education, limited rules and laws on child labour, etc. Following are some important points regarding causes of child labour:

What are the causes of Child Labour?

  • Poverty and high level of unemployment in the developing countries are the main reason of child labor.
  • According to the U.N. statistics of 2005, more than 1/4th of people worldwide are living in extreme poverty.
  • Lack of access to the regular education in many countries. It was found in 2006 that around 75 million children were away from the school life.
  • Violating laws regarding child labour give the way to increased child labor in any developing country.
  • Inadequate social control gives rise to the child labor in the agriculture or domestic work.
  • Limited child or workers’ rights which affect labor standards and living standards to a great extent in order to eliminate child labor.
  • Small children get involved in the child labor in order to increase income of their family to manage two times food.
  • They are hired by the industries to get more work at reduced labor cost.

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