This suitcase will tag along with you until you stop, without requiring any assistance whatsoever. Its maximum speed is 7.2 km per hour and it can travel almost 20 kilometres on a single charge. Which is sufficient in most cases.
Cowarobot R1 comes with a bracelet that the owner has to wear. The bag ‘senses’ the bracelet electronically and walks along with the owner. If the owner is separated by more than 164 feet from the bag, the bracelet vibrates to notify the owner that contact with the bag has been lost.
The suitcase also has an app which lets you track the bag if it is lost. The app has basic stats such as the bag’s battery level, and an intelligent lock system that lets you secure the bag remotely. In that case, the bag can only be unlocked by the accompanying bracelet.
The suitcase’s design ensures that the tech components do not occupy much space. The battery and the driving wheel unit occupy just 1.5 percent and 2.4 percent of the body respectively.
The 20-inch suitcase has a 33-litre capacity and comes with dual access cabins to remove all the electronic components.

The detection technology is embedded in the trolley’s handle, which is equipped with antennas, a SIM card, camera and a laser detection camera. The bottom of the suitcase also has a sonar sensor which detects slopes and staircases.
The suitcase battery is removable and has 96.5 watts/hour power that allows it to go on for up to 12 hours on a single charge. It can also be used as a power bank to charge other devices.
Cowarobot is currently running an Indiegogo campaign where you can grab a suitcase for $449. Shipping starts in November 2016. The suitcase is available in four colors, namely, Mystery Black, Satellite Silver, Voyage Blue, and Rose Pink.