Prepare Your Child For Pre-School

PreschoolPre-School plays a vital role in shaping a child’s life. This is the place where the seeds of his future are sown. As parents, it is necessary that we prepare him well for the pre-school.

  • According to experts, 2 years is the right age for the child to enter pre-school. The basic skills that he will acquire here in the next 2 years will lay the foundation of his entire life.

  • For a small child, going to pre-school is a very big step. It is here that he becomes separated from his parents for the first time and as a result, can suffer from separation anxiety. We must prepare to child beforehand for this situation and get him used to spending time away from the parents for gradually increasing periods of time. He must made to realize that even if the parents go away for some time, they will come back.

  • Before the time comes for your child to actually start going to pre-school, get him used to socializing with people. This will make things easier for him at the school.

  • Once you have chosen the pre-school, take your child there a few time even before he joins. Show him around the place and make him familiar with the environs so that he doesn’t feel lost when he finally starts going to school.

  • Introduce your little one beforehand to his future class teachers and encourage him to interact with them. Then, when he finally begins classes, he will have familiar, friendly faces to feel at home with.

  • If possible, invite his future classmates to your house a few days before he joins school and have a small party for them. That way your child will get acquainted with his peer group.

  • Even at home, keep your child looking forward to starting pre-school by telling him all kinds of good things about the place and about the exciting things he will do there.

Going to pre-school is a big step not only for the child, but also for the parents. It is natural that they feel anxious. But we must take care not to transfer our anxiety to the child. Instead, we must prepare him in a way that makes this transition easy for him and it becomes a time full of joy and discovery.

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