Male Cat Names — A collection of male / boy cat names with lists of names that include popular cat names, unique cat names and unusual cat names…
The popularity of cat names differs by nation, even nations with the same language, and new names become popular over time. The ranking of most popular cat names can be assessed, in part, from pet insurance registrations, microchip registrations, and breed registries.
Male Cat Names Starting with A
- Abel
- Abellio
- Able
- Abner
- Abracadabra
- Abraham
- Abu
- Abydos
- Ace
- Acer
- Achilles
- Acis
- Ackee
- Acker
- Actor
- Adagio
- Adam
- Addams
- Admiral
- Adonis
- Aengus
- Aesop
- Aether
- Agenor
- Agon
- Agrius
- Airbus
- Airforce
- Ajax
- Akela
- Aken
- Aker
- Al
- Alabama
- Aladar
- Aladdin
- Alaska
- Alastair
- Alastir
- Albert
- AlCapone
- Alchemy
- Aldo
- Alex
- Alexander
- Alf
- Alfa
- Alfi
- Alfie
- Alfred
- Alfredo
- Ali
- Alias
- Alien
- Almond
- Almondo
- Almonzo
- Aloysius
- Alpaca
- Alpha
- Alpine
- Altus
- Alvin
- Amadeus
- Amazon
- Ambrose
- Ami
- Amico
- Amos
- Amour
- Amun
- Anatole
- Angel
- Angus
- Anubis
- Apache
- Ape
- Apis
- Apollo
- Apolo
- Apophis
- Apple
- Appy
- Apricot
- Apu
- Aqua
- Aragorn
- Aramis
- Arausio
- Arawn
- Arbutus
- Archibald
- Archie
- Archimedes
- Ares
- Arf
- Argent
- Aristocat
- Aristotle
- Arizona
- Arlo
- Armando
- Armani
- Armon
- Arnie
- Arnold
- Aron
- Arrow
- Arsenal
- Art
- Artemis
- Arther
- Arthur
- Artio
- Arturo
- Aruba
- Asa
- Ascot
- Ash
- Aslan
- Asparagus
- Aspen
- Asquith
- Asterion
- Asterix
- Astro
- Atahua
- Athens
- Atilla
- Atka
- Atlantic
- Atlantis
- Atlas
- Atom
- Atticus
- Attila
- Attis
- August
- Augustus
- Austin
- Auto
- Autumn
- Avalanche
- Avalon
- Avatar
- Avery
- Avocado
- Axel
- Axl
- Axwell
- Ayeaye
- Azazel
- Azerty
- Azotic
- Azrael
- Azriel
- Aztec
- Azur