Special Protection Group (SPG) agents kept watch as Narendra Modi (C, on podium) attended the Independence Day celebrations. Officials said anti-aircraft and anti-drone guns were deployed in and around Red Fort. An additional 500 closed-circuit television and high-resolution cameras were placed in and around Red Fort.

Special Protection Group (SPG) agents kept watch as Narendra Modi (C, on podium) attended the Independence Day celebrations. Officials said anti-aircraft and anti-drone guns were deployed in and around Red Fort. An additional 500 closed-circuit television and high-resolution cameras were placed in and around Red Fort.

Special Protection Group (SPG) agents kept watch as Narendra Modi (C, on podium) attended the Independence Day celebrations. Officials said anti-aircraft and anti-drone guns were deployed in and around Red Fort. An additional 500 closed-circuit television and high-resolution cameras were placed in and around Red Fort.

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