On Good Friday, Jesus Christ was executed by crucifixion. His body was taken down from the cross, and buried in a cave.
The tomb was guarded and an enormous stone was put over the entrance, so that no-one could steal the body.
On the following Sunday, some women visited the grave and found that the stone had been moved, and that the tomb was empty.
Jesus himself was seen that day, and for days afterwards by many people. His followers realized that God had raised Jesus from the dead.
Mickey Mouse Easter Dress
Easter School Activities
A Christian priest offers sweets to devotees on Easter at St Francis Church in Bhopal
Christian devotees at midnight mass on Easter at Santhome church in Chennai
Christian girls decorate eggs on the eve of Easter in Guwahati
Iraqis women light candles after the Palm Sunday service at Lady Deliverance Church in Baghdad Iraq
Pakistani Christian devotees attend a service marking Easter at Sacred Heart Cathedral in Lahore
A chimpanzee opens a package containing food and wrapped as an Easter gift, at the zoo in La Fleche, northwestern France, on March 27, 2016
A polar bear scratches himself after eating a package filled with food and wrapped as an Easter gift, at the zoo in La Fleche, northwestern France, on March 27, 2016
A tiger looks at a package filled with food and wrapped as an Easter gift, at the zoo in La Fleche, northwestern France, on march 27, 2016
A white lion cub opens a wrapped package on Easter at the zoo in La Fleche, northwestern France, on March 27, 2016
Nikita, a 9-year-old lion, and his three white lions cub look at wrapped packages on Easter at the zoo in La Fleche, northwestern France, on March 27, 2016
Two cheetahs open a package filled with food and wrapped as an Easter gift, at the zoo in La Fleche, northwestern France, on March 27, 2016
White lion Yabu, looks at a wrapped package on Easter at the zoo in La Fleche, northwestern France, on march 8, 2016
Young people from Panama carry a wooden cross as Panama will host the 2017 World Youth Day, during the Palm Sunday mass
The story of the Passion
The elements of the Passion story are these:
The Last Supper
The agony in the Garden of Gethsemane
The arrest of Jesus after his betrayal by Judas
The examination and condemnation of Jesus by the Jews
The trial before Pilate during which Jesus is sentenced to be whipped and crucified