Available in a wide variety and throughout India, they’re pretty easy flowers to garden. They can tolerate Indian heat and their colorful nature often attract butterflies & bees.
Now that you know more about the flowers in India, go ahead and start planting your own…
A butterfly sits on a flower at Lodhi Garden
Flowers leading the way to the Bara Gumbhad in Lodhi Garden
Golden Alexanders, they belong to the carrot family, Apiaceae. These flowers are very easy to grow and maintain
Mulch floats in a pond at Lodhi Garden
Parakeets enjoy the spring season at Lodhi Garden
Pollen Grains fallen on the leaves of a Hollyhock flower at a garden of a Delhi school
Pollen scattered over White African Moon daisies at Lodhi Garden
Poppy flower of spring at Lodhi Garden. The colour blast continues with advent of spring season after Holi and Delhi is welcoming it warmly
Treasure flower are drought-tolerant and are suitable to grow in containers
Treasure flowers can easily be grown at home as it requires less water and doesn’t take a lot of space
White African Moon Daisies bloom at Lodhi Garden
White African Moon Daisies bloom at Lodhi Garden in New Delhi. Unlike Treasure flowers these require attention and needs full Sun