Devotees of Ganesha look forward all year to Ganeshotsav, a 10-day festival during which the idol is brought home or to public pandals and it is followed by festivities. This year, the festival is being held between August 25 and September 5. Some of the must visit pandals around Mumbai are Lalbaugcha Raja, Goud Saraswat Brahmin (GSB) and Keshavji Naik Chawl.

Devotees of Ganesha look forward all year to Ganeshotsav, a 10-day festival during which the idol is brought home or to public pandals and it is followed by festivities. This year, the festival is being held between August 25 and September 5. Some of the must visit pandals around Mumbai are Lalbaugcha Raja, Goud Saraswat Brahmin (GSB) and Keshavji Naik Chawl.

Devotees of Ganesha look forward all year to Ganeshotsav, a 10-day festival during which the idol is brought home or to public pandals and it is followed by festivities. This year, the festival is being held between August 25 and September 5. Some of the must visit pandals around Mumbai are Lalbaugcha Raja, Goud Saraswat Brahmin (GSB) and Keshavji Naik Chawl.

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