Good Friday Images:Good Friday is considered an important festival for the Christian people. This festival symbolizes the sacrifice and suffering of Jesus Christ. The reason behind celebrating Good Friday is to observe the crucifixion and death of Jesus Christ. The death of Jesus Christ was a painful experience but Christians respect it because they believe that Jesus Christ died for their sins and made the ultimate sacrifice for his people.
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A Christian devotee re-enacts the crucifixion of Jesus Christ
A lady kisses the Holy Cross during the Good Friday mass gathering at Sacred Heart Cathedral in New Delhi
A man portrays Jesus Christ during a re-enactment to mark Good Friday in Guwahati
The etymology of the term ‘good’ in Good Friday is contested in various circles. While some say ‘good’ means holy, others say that it is a modification of ‘God Friday
An Indian mother and daughter pray as they watch the re-enacting of the crucifixion of Jesus Christ during Good Friday in Hyderabad, India
Children watching as artist enacts the crucifixion of Jesus on the occasion of Good Friday at Our Lady Lourdes Church at Cambridge Layout in Bengaluru
Christian devotees carry a huge cross on the occasion of ‘Good Friday’ at Sacred Heart Cathedral in New Delhi
Christians all over India observe Good Friday as the most sorrowful and sacred day of the year. It is also referred to as Holy Friday, Great Friday, Black Friday, or Easter Friday
Churches observe the day with a service that normally takes place in the evening, where they remember Christ’s death with hymns, thanksgiving prayers, talk about the special significance that the day holds and observe the Lord’s Supper
For Christians, it is the most sorrowful, sombre and sacred day of the year
Good Friday is observed as a public holiday in various countries such as India, Canada, the UK, Germany, Australia, Bermuda, Brazil, Finland, Malta, Mexico, New Zealand, Singapore and Sweden among others
Some areas hold three-hour long special services in noon – the time when Jesus is said to have been crucified. The lights are dimmed and eventually extinguished
An artist enacts the crucifixion of Jesus on the occasion of Good Friday at Our Lady Lourdes Church at Cambridge Layout in Bengaluru, India
The Holy Communion is organised at several places. A bitter drink is prepared from mostly leaves and vinegar, which is tasted by all after the service
Good Friday Images: Good Friday comes after the Maundy Thursday, which is the Thursday before Easter, which commemorates the Last Supper of Jesus Christ. Since it is a day of mourning, there are no celebrations or special feasts.
To remember Christ on this holy day, a service about Passion of Christ is read. People also sing various hymns in the regard.
The Passion of Christ explains the story of how Jesus was betrayed by Judas for 30 pieces of silver and how he was brutally crucified.
It is important to know that some denominations of Christianity see Good Friday as a day of happiness because they believe that Jesus saved them and gave them eternal life when they did not have anything else to believe in.
During this time, many Churches put up plays to depict the crucifixion of Jesus Christ. Many people adhere to strict fasting, while some just renounce meat.
As per common belief, the word ‘Good Friday’ stems from the words “God’s Friday”. Many people interpret “good” as “holy”.
On this day, many Christians drape a black cloth over all crosses, photographs and statues to symbolise the death of Jesus Christ.
The holy day is observed as a public holiday in many countries, including India, Canada, the UK, Germany, Australia, Bermuda, Brazil, Finland, Malta, Mexico, New Zealand, Singapore and Sweden and several others.