Guru Ravidas Jayanti Images

Guru Ravidas Jayanti Images: Free Stock Photos of Sant Ravidas

Guru Ravidas Jayanti Images: Guru Ravidas Jayanti is celebrated to observe the birthday of Guru Ravidass, the founder of Bhakti Movement. It is celebrated on Magh Purnima day, which is the full moon day of the Magh (February) month as per Hindu calendar, is observed as the most important day of Ravidassia religion.

Ravidas, also spelt as Raidas, was an Indian saint of 15th century. He belonged to a family of leather workers. Traditionally, in Buddhism. Some of his verses found place in Guru Granth Sahib, the main text of Sikhism.

Mirabai, a Rajput lady of a royal family of Rajasthan, was one of the followers of Ravidas. They follow his teachings and consider him their Guru, the teacher.

Raidas was also a poet. He wrote poems in Hindi. A few of his poems are “ab kaise chutey ram nam”,”aasi Lal tujh binu”.

Guru Ravidas Jayanti Images

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