No other industry has been so influenced by Holi as much as Bollywood. Creative as they are, big actors and actress have made it a point to enjoy to the hilt when it comes to Holi.
In fact, Holi at RK Studio is as famous in Mumbai as that of Mathura in Uttar Pradesh. Also, much popular is the Holi at Pratiksha, the famous residence of megastar, Amitabh Bachchan.
The trend of Holi celebration in film industry was initiated by showman Raj Kapoor, who started Holi celebration in a big way at his studio. A large number of industry people would gather there and play holi, making it a star-studded event. The tradition that was followed was that anybody who came would first be greeted with a dip in the pool of coloured water. Kapoors also took care that women were treated with dignity and nobody misbehaved with them.
Holi at RK Studio continues to be an event to watch in Mumbai as the next generation of Kapoors have made it a point to continue with the tradition.
A city exploded in a color kaleidoscope when hundreds of Spaniards and tourists celebrated their version of a traditional Hindu religious festival.
People covered in coloured powder participate in the Indian inspired Holi Festival.
People throw coloured powder during the Holi festival in Santa Coloma de Gramenet, near Barcelona, Spain. The festival is fashioned after the Hindu spring festival Holi, which is mainly celebrated in the north and east of India.
Revelers dance after throwing colored powders in the air.
The Holi festival is held each spring in India and other countries in southern Asia where the Hindu religion is practiced, and its popularity has grown recently in other countries.
The idea is to celebrate life with colour, which symbolises happiness, and to show mutual respect and solidarity for those less fortunate.
Thousands of revelers during the Holi festival at Santa Coloma de Gramene, where they tossed handfuls of colored powder at one another and danced to the rhythms made popular by India’s Bollywood films.
Women kiss during the Indian inspired Holi Festival in Burgos, north of Spain.
A boy rides his bicycle over red powder during the run.
More than 7,000 runners participate in the run and the number of participants is increasing every year..
Participants compete during the Colour Run 2017. The Color run is an event series and five kilometre paint race that is owned and operated by The Color Run LLC, a for-profit company.
Runners covered in coloured powder celebrate after taking part in the 2017 Color Run at the Luzhniki Olympic Complex in Moscow . Started in 2011, the Colour Run is a five kilometre paint race without winners nor prizes, while runners are showered with colored powder at stations along the run.
The event is inspired by the Hindu festival of Holi, as well as day-glow events, such as Disney’s World of Color.
The run was founded by Utah, USA native and event producer Travis Snyder, in an effort to encourage professionals and beginners to run together for fun and to promote healthiness and happiness.
The untimed event has no prizes, but runners are showered with colored powder, made of food-grade corn starch, at stations along the run.