India Independence Struggle Images For Students: On 15th August, 1947, India won independence. This happened only after years of struggle, of invaders coming and leaving, of riots, wars, and disagreements between our leaders. The most prominent of these disagreements was regarding the partition of India, known as one of the most tragic events in world history. But this happened in one day. Our struggle from independence started in the 18th century and lasted till our first Prime Minister declared us independent.
India Independence Struggle Images For Students
As part of the Independence Day week, take a look at pictures of our country, in no particular order, from the time we were struggling for independence to the time we won freedom.
Indian Freedom Struggle (1857-1947)
In ancient times, people from all over the world were keen to come to India. The Aryans came from Central Europe and settled down in India. The Persians followed by the Iranians and Parsis immigrated to India. Then came the mughals and they too settled down permanently in India. Chengis Khan, the Mongolian, invaded and looted India many times. Alexander the Great too, came to conquer India but went back after a battle with Porus. He-en Tsang from China came in pursuit of knowledge and to visit the ancient Indian universities of Nalanda and Takshila. Columbus wanted to come to India, but instead landed on the shores of America. Vasco da Gama from Portugal came to trade his country’s goods in return for Indian species. The French came and established their colonies in India.
Lastly, the Britishers came and ruled over India for nearly 200 years. After the battle of Plassey in 1757, the British achieved political power in India. And their paramountcy was established during the tenure of Lord Dalhousie, who became the Governor- General in 1848. He annexed Punjab, Peshawar and the Pathan tribes in the north-west of India. And by 1856, the British conquest and its authority were firmly established. And while the British power gained its heights during the middle of the 19th century, the discontent of the local rulers, the peasantry, the intellectuals, common masses as also of the soldiers who became unemployed due to the disbanding of the armies of various states that were annexed by the British, became widespread. This soon broke out into a revolt which assumed the dimensions of the 1857 Mutiny.
India Independence Struggle Images For Students
Women pass by one of the bazars of Delhi, with its storefronts decorated with the Indian national flag on August 15, 1947.
The Quit India movement was the last major civil disobedience movement before India became a sovereign nation in 1947.
As postcolonial India approaches its 70th year of Independence, the Quit India Movement –a landmark moment in the struggle for independence also completes 75 years of its inception. The movement was launched on August 8, 1942 at the Bombay session of the All India Congress Committee by Mahatma Gandhi, who gave the clarion call of ‘Do or Die’, demanding an immediate end to British rule in India. Almost the entire leadership of the Congress was imprisoned immediately afterwards.
But the movement crumbled because of a lack of co-ordination among its leaders. Most businessmen were reaping profits because of the second World War and were not in favour of the Quit India movement. Politically, the Muslim League, the then banned Communist Party of India and the Hindu Mahasabha were also opposed to the movement. Meanwhile, the support of the younger generations was concentrated around Subhash Chandra Bose who was spending his time in exile.
Outgoing British Governor-General Lord Mountbatten rides in a carriage alongside Lady Edwina Mountbatten prior to witnessing the raising of the Indian tricolour for the first time at India Gate, on August 15, 1947 in New Delhi.
Lord Mountbatten and Pandit Jawaharlal Nehru photographed during the first Independence Day Celebrations at India Gate, New Delhi.
India’s first Prime Minister Jawaharlal Nehru in conversation with Lady Edwina Mountbatten at a farewell party to Lord and Lady Mountbatten and other members of the British elite at his residence.
Jawaharlal Nehru, delivers his famous ‘Tryst with destiny’ speech at Parliament House as India gains Independence from British rule, on 15 August, 1947 in New Delhi.
Governor General Lord Louis Mountbatten (C) delivers an address to soldiers from The Royal Norfolk Regiment on the quayside in Mumbai, as they prepare to embark on the SS Georgic bound for Britain, making them the first British Army unit to leave Indian soil after the country achieved independence, on August 17, 1947.
Dr. Rajendra Prasad receives Lord Mountbatten when the Viceroy called in the first President of India.
Although the British were able to dismantle the movement through swift political imprisonments, it was for the first time that the British realised that the days of the Raj in India were drawing to a close. More than 14,000 individuals were arrested by the British for heeding Gandhi’s call.
British troops, part of the Royal Norfolk Regiment embark on the SS Georgic bound for Britain after the independence of India, on August 17, 1947.
Isolated incidents of violence broke out around the country but the British acted quickly, arresting thousands of people and imprisoning them until 1945. The British also abolished civil rights, freedom of speech and the freedom of press during the Quit India Movement.
A poster of Aruna Asif Ali(extreme left, front) along with other revolutionary leaders of various underground movements. Aruna Asif Ali is widely remembered for hoisting the Indian National Congress flag at the Gowalia Tank maidan in Bombay during the Quit India Movement in 1942.
In the presence of Washington diplomats and high ranking US Army and Navy officers, Ambassador Asaf Ali hoists the Indian flag at the Indian embassy in ceremonies marking the country’s independence from British rule.
A crowd of revellers gathers to celebrate the birth of the Indian nation around the Rasina Hill grounds on August 15, 1947 in New Delhi, India.
When Gandhi launched his non-violent satyagraha in opposition to the post World War II promises of the British government in the form of the ‘August Offer’ and the later revised Cripps Mission, the call for an individual Satyagraha went out and was first observed by Vinoba Bhave and later Jawaharlal Nehru, rousing followers across the country to take part civil disobedience, and individual Satyagraha.