India Independence Images, Struggle for Freedom Stock Photos

India Independence Struggle Images

India Independence Struggle Images For Students: On 15th August, 1947, India won independence. This happened only after years of struggle, of invaders coming and leaving, of riots, wars, and disagreements between our leaders. The most prominent of these disagreements was regarding the partition of India, known as one of the most tragic events in world history. But this happened in one day. Our struggle from independence started in the 18th century and lasted till our first Prime Minister declared us independent.

India Independence Struggle Images For Students

As part of the Independence Day week, take a look at pictures of our country, in no particular order, from the time we were struggling for independence to the time we won freedom.

Indian Freedom Struggle (1857-1947)

In ancient times, people from all over the world were keen to come to India. The Aryans came from Central Europe and settled down in India. The Persians followed by the Iranians and Parsis immigrated to India. Then came the mughals and they too settled down permanently in India. Chengis Khan, the Mongolian, invaded and looted India many times. Alexander the Great too, came to conquer India but went back after a battle with Porus. He-en Tsang from China came in pursuit of knowledge and to visit the ancient Indian universities of Nalanda and Takshila. Columbus wanted to come to India, but instead landed on the shores of America. Vasco da Gama from Portugal came to trade his country’s goods in return for Indian species. The French came and established their colonies in India.

Lastly, the Britishers came and ruled over India for nearly 200 years. After the battle of Plassey in 1757, the British achieved political power in India. And their paramountcy was established during the tenure of Lord Dalhousie, who became the Governor- General in 1848. He annexed Punjab, Peshawar and the Pathan tribes in the north-west of India. And by 1856, the British conquest and its authority were firmly established. And while the British power gained its heights during the middle of the 19th century, the discontent of the local rulers, the peasantry, the intellectuals, common masses as also of the soldiers who became unemployed due to the disbanding of the armies of various states that were annexed by the British, became widespread. This soon broke out into a revolt which assumed the dimensions of the 1857 Mutiny.

India Independence Struggle Images For Students

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