उपकार Short Humorous Christmas story in Hindi

A Child’s Christmas Eve Dream: Christmas Poem

Christmas is one of the most popular festivals worldwide. It is celebrated on 25th December every year, but the celebrations start well in advance. It is celebrated in the honour of the lord Jesus Christ as he was born on this day to mother Mary. Jesus lived an exemplary life and taught everyone to follow the path of goodness; he taught people to believe in the almighty and perform good deeds. The life led by Jesus is an example that must be followed by everyone for attaining salvation and for living in harmony on this earth.

A Child’s Christmas Eve Dream: Poetry For Kids & Students

Last night I had a lovely dream,
But strange as it could be,
For on the hill beside our house
Stood a great Christmas tree.

It glowed with lighted candles,
High at the top, a star,
And ’round it, dancing in a ring,
Children from lands afar.

There were polite, little English girls,
Swiss boys with funny skis,
Dutch children in queer wooden shoes,
Joined hands with shy Chinese.

Turkish lads is tussled fez,
Tots from France and Greece and Poland,
Laughing as the children do
In the safety of a free land.

Perhaps my dream’s a prophecy
Of Christmases to be,
When little children everywhere
Can sing because they’re free.

I surely wish with all my heart,
This day of Jesus’ birth,
That peace and love and happiness
Soon cover all the earth.

~ Anonymous

The festival of Christmas undoubtedly holds a great significance across the world, especially for the Christians or those who follow Christianity. Everyone, particularly children eagerly wait for the festival as they receive loads of gifts, sweets and surprises on this day. Christmas is an annual festival and celebrated on 25th of December in the honour of Jesus Christ who taught the path of peace and harmony to people. This is an occasion for people to meet their loved ones, leave behind all their worries and come together for merry-making.  It is declared a gazetted holiday in India and the celebration of this festival is highly noticeable at places where Christians are in majority. People exchange sweets with each other; the entire city gets illuminated with star like lights. People decorate their respective houses, including their surroundings and some follow the native rituals by displaying clay figures and decorating huge Christmas trees, which are usually an evergreen conifer such as fir, pine or spruce.

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