A Friend Lost

A Friend Lost: Friendship Poem about Losing a Friend

A Friend Lost: When a good friend dies, there are no words that can fill the void in your life. If you are like most people, your mind may be searching for an answer to the unanswerable question, “why?” But as you know, death is inevitable and it can visit at anytime.

Even though you are intellectually aware that you and your friends are not invincible, it doesn’t make it any easier when someone you love dies. You may ask yourself “How am I going get through this?” or “Will my life ever return to normal?” The answer to both questions is “yes”. Yes, but… You will be forever changed by your friend’s presence in your life – and that’s not a bad thing. Anytime that you suffer a loss, you are changed forever. Though it may not seem like it now, there will come a time that you will be grateful to have had this person in your life.

Friendship Poem about Losing a Friend: A Friend Lost

The tide was up and sea roared
The waves crashed beside the cliff.
Hopes were high and my spirits roared,
Just a look and I was stiff.

Oh! what I see, just disheveled hair,
There in water afloat.
With bated breath I saw weather fair,
I called a passing boat.

While on the oar I took my seat,
And cared our way across the bend,
While we rowed and talked my heart beat
I lost a bosom friend.

Kith and kin, shed many a tear,
As his body was placed on pyre.
He never spoke but I heard him clear,
A man once born is sure to die.

A Friend Lost

While the pyre lit though, I held on strong!
A single tear did wet my cheek
To believe my friend was gone,
For ever I could never seek.

Salil Dhawan [Kundan Vidya Mandir – Ludhiana, Punjab]

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