A New Year With You: A beautiful New Year Love Poem

A New Year With You: Joanna Fuchs

A New Year With You poetry by Joanna Fuchs – The whole world solemnizes New Year with great enthusiasm and energy. This day has a special contingency for people. People concerned to various walks of life welcome New Year in their own hearty ways. There are few things common in all the traditions when it comes to New Year celebration such as the market gets jam-packed with people purchasing gifts and clothes and various other articles of decoration. Most of the countries coax New Year on 1st of January and people relish this day by singing and dancing. Kids take pleasure in celebrating this day by getting pretty gifts and dresses. It is a day which expresses joy and happiness all around. Here are some important facts about New Year celebration:

Happy New Year’s Day – Important Facts

  • It is considered that New Year celebration dates back to 2000 B.C. and it originated in Mesopotamia.
  • In ancient times New Year was celebrated on 1st of March.
  • The Romans adopted January 1 as the New Year celebration day which is in similarity with the Gregorian calendar.
  • Jewish call it Rosh Hashanah and they eat honey and apple on this day as a part of their tradition.
  • In China New Year is celebrated with the end of the winter solstice on the second full Moon.

“A New Year With You” Poem by Joanna Fuchs

I’m so grateful for a new year
to spend with you,
my most special one,
my cherished and treasured love,
who has gifted me with happiness and joy,
adventure and excitement,
comfort and peace.

As I look ahead, I see each day with you
filled with warmth and affection,
a deeper, more fulfilling love,
than I could have imagined
in my fondest, most perfect dreams.

A new year with you
is the most valuable, most precious treasure
I could ever have.

Happy New Year Sweetheart!

∼ Joanna Fuchs

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