Back To Me – Khushbu Nanavati

Lost Love

You were walking down the street,
With your bags and your ticket,
We parted from each other hoping to again meet.

In my mind your thoughts fly,
No matter how hard I try,
You only make me cry.

I pull my socks up to forget you,
But I see your face in every drop of dew,
I can’t forget the fact that it makes me feel blue.

It is such a heartbreaker,
We couldn’t be lovers forever,
Our love is the only thing I always endear.

Will you ever come back to me?
To give me the lost joy and glee,
To save me from drowning into the sea.

Will you ever come back to me?
Will we ever together be?
Will you ever come back to me?

∼ Khushbu Nanavati

Khushbu NanavatiHello Friends,

I, Khushbu Nanavati, have submitted a lot of poems on this site and fortunately most of them have been published on this site. I have completed writing 100 poems by now and this is a very special occasion for me. I owe my success to because it was the first site that published my poems and gave me maximum exposure. I have received many appreciations and suggestions from the readers and I would like to thank them all today and I hope that this kind of response towards my talent continues and I am sure with the help of i will go on. Not only me but this site has given exposure to many aspiring poets and writers.

Thank you… …this is an ulimate site.

Khushbu Nanavati

A young creative writer from Mumbai, India.

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