Brothers and Sisters - Florence Sherrill Ferrell

Brothers and Sisters – Florence Sherrill Ferrell

Brothers and Sisters

From where love came,
we cannot see: Perhaps, within us,
born and bred, Or taught to us at parent’s knee,
Or instilled by God in heart and head.

Perhaps it sprang from some kind deed,
Which, long forgotten, yet has grown
To dazzling heights from one small seed
In the fertile soil of distress sown.

Respect rises up so far above
The pettiness of separate view;
Differences bow before a love
And friendship that is blood-bound, too.

May the bond between us stronger grow,
May I prove the fondness I confess,
Which my hand’s service cannot show’
Nor my simple words ever express.

∼ Florence Sherrill Ferrell

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  1. Awesome poem we should understand the love of brothers and sisters.

  2. To have a loving relationship with a brother is not simply to have a buddy, it is to have a soulmate for life.

  3. Awesome poem we should understand the love of brothers and sisters. I Like This

  4. Nice poem, have a great day!

  5. There is a very high quality poem about sister and brotherly love. I understand and like it.