Christmas is here

Christmas is Here: Short English Poetry For Students and Children

Christmas is Here: Its is a religious and cultural festival celebrated worldwide by the Christians. It is a celebration of the commemoration of the birth of Jesus Christ. It comes on the 25th of December every year with full enthusiasm. In Christianity, people worship Jesus Christ as the son of the god and respect him. Jesus had born in a time when greed, hate, and violence were everywhere in society. He was the light of the world and had come to save people from all sins. Its is a celebration for all over the world as a religious and traditional festival. On the eve of festival, people go to churches and offer prayers. People, especially children, decorate their homes with lights and organize a party. Its is a gazetted holiday in India as well as in the whole world.

Jesus Christ: Short Introduction

In the olden times Jewish priests were very wicked. Their holy book said that people should hate their enemies.

At that time a brilliant child was born in the family of a carpenter in the village Nazareth (Nazareth is the largest city in the Northern District of Israel). His mother’s name was Mary.

When he was twelve years old his knowledge about God was more than the priests. At the age of twenty, he went in a jungle and kept fast for forty days and discovered the true path of life.

He returned home and began to teach people that one should shed hatred and love their enemies.

The most important lesson he taught to the people of the village was “Do to others only those things you would like them to do to you.”

He told the people that the world had grown wicked. But God is kind enough to forgive everyone who felt sorry for his mistake and confess them. He became very famous and thousands of people flocked to listen to him from far off places.

The priests of the Jews feared to lose their power so they began to hate Jesus and even started planning to kill him.

On their complaint Roman Governor told them that he had no reason to arrest him. The Jewish priests conspired and bribed Jesus’s friend Judas to capture him.

After capturing Jesus, they produced him before the Governor, he didn’t find any fault with Jesus. The Governor was compelled to order for his crucifixion as Jesus said nothing in his self defence.

Thus the lighting figure sacrificed his life for the sins of mankind.

Christmas is Here: Short English Poetry

Christmas is here
Christmas is here
Christmas we waited
All this year.

Christmas is joy
Christmas is joy
Under the tree
Is an all new toy.

Christmas is hope
Christmas is hope
Let us all skip
The spinning rope.

Christmas is peace
Christmas is peace
It always comes
With amazing grace.

Christmas is light
Christmas is light
Streets and homes are
Shiny and bright.

Christmas is here
Christmas is here
Bringing everybody
Near and dear.

∼ Poem by ‘Tirupathi Chandrupatla

Jesus Christ was the founder of Christianity, the largest religion in the world. He was Jewish by birth but intended to found a new religion with different morals and ethics called ‘Christianity’.


Jesus Christ was born to Virgin Marry and Yusuf in Nazareth. He devoted his life to the service of the human being. According to various sources, there was a prophecy at the time of his birth that God has sent his messenger to the earth, and it was Jesus Christ.

Death and Miracles:

The entire Jewish Empire was stunned by his divine miracles. He was crucified alive by the Jewish king. It is said that he was alive and his followers saw him a few days after his death. He also pardoned those who had crucified him. Sacred ‘Bible’ contains his biography and teachings. His birth anniversary is celebrated on 25th December every year as Christmas Day. All the Christian Churches contain his idol when he was crucified.


Jesus Christ was a person of humanity and forgiveness. He taught the whole world that the person who has the power to forgive even his enemies is the greatest. He had divine power which he proved by performing many miracles.

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