Flowers: Gautama Buddha Poem For Kids

Flowers: Gautama Buddha Poem For Kids

Flowers: Gautam Buddha was the founder of the Buddhism religion. He was born in the ruling house of Kapilvastu, at Lumbini located at the foothills of Nepal in 566 B.C. His father’s name was Suddodhana. He was chief of the Shakya Republic. His mother, Mahamaya died, when he was only seven days old. Gautam Buddha was known by the name of Siddhartha in his childhood. One day when he went out he saw a diseased man, a dead man and a monk. After seeing them, he decided to leave all the materialistic things in the world and left home in search of truth.

Gautama Buddha Poetry: Flowers

Who shall conquer this world
and the world of death and the gods?
Who shall find the clear path of truth,
as a skillful person finds the flower?

The wise student will conquer this world
and the world of death and the gods.
The wise student will find the clear path of truth,
as a skillful person finds the flower.

Whoever knows that this body is like foam
and has learned that its nature is a mirage,
will break the flourishing arrows of Mara
and never see the king of death.

Death carries off a person who is gathering flowers,
whose mind is distracted,
like a flood carries off a sleeping village.
Death terminates a person who is gathering flowers,
whose mind is distracted,
before one is even satiated in pleasures.

As the bee collects nectar and departs
without harming the flower or its colour or scent,
so let the sage live in a village.
Not the faults of others
nor their errors of commission or omission,
but one’s own errors and omissions should the sage consider.

Like a beautiful flower, full of colour, but without scent,
are the fine but fruitless words
of those who do not act accordingly.
But like a beautiful flower, full of colour and full of scent,
are the fine and fruitful words
of those who do act accordingly.

As many kinds of garlands
can be made from a heap of flowers,
so many good works may be achieved by a mortal after birth.
The scent of flowers does not travel against the wind,
not even that of sandalwood, rose-bay or jasmine,
but the fragrance of good people
travels even against the wind.
A good person pervades everywhere.

Sandalwood or rose-bay or lotus or jasmine –
among these perfumes, the perfume of virtue is unsurpassed.
Limited is the scent of rose-bay or sandalwood;
but the perfume of the virtuous
rises up to the gods as the highest.

Mara never crosses the path of those who are virtuous,
who live without thoughtlessness,
and who are liberated by true knowledge.
Just as on a heap of rubbish thrown upon the highway

the lotus will grow sweetly fragrant, delighting the soul,
so also among those who are like rubbish
the wise student of the truly enlightened Buddha
shines brightly with wisdom above the blinded crowd.

∼ Gautama Buddha

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