Our Fathers: Father's Day Special Short Poetry

Our Fathers: Father’s Day Special Short Poetry

Our Fathers: The contributions and sacrifices made by our fathers in our lives do not need a specific day for celebration. A father, who is our role model and superhero, is that one special man who is a friend, parent, philosopher and guide who always protects us in every phase of our lives.

Father’s Day is celebrated on the third Sunday of June, and this year it will be celebrated in India on 19 June 2022. This special day is observed to celebrate the importance of fathers and honour the essence of fatherhood.

Fathers are our first love, the last hero of our life, who teach strength in silence and since the value of a loving father has no price, it is commemorated in most parts of the world on the third Sunday of June as Father’s Day. First proposed in 1909 to complement Mother’s Day celebrations, Father’s Day is an opportunity to show your dad how much he means to you and the role he has played in shaping your life.

Our Fathers: Father’s Day Special Short Poetry

Our fathers toil with hands and heart
To make our lives complete.
They quietly brave the winter cold,
Endure the summer heat.

Our fathers’ lives are busy, but
There’s always time for us.
They boldly face the ups and downs
And seldom ever fuss.

Our fathers are the greatest dads.
We know you know this, too.
But thank you for the chance to share
Our love for them with you.

History of Father’s Day:

Father’s Day was first celebrated in the United States when hundreds of men died in a mining mishap on July 5, 1908, in West Virginia, USA. The daughter of a dedicated reverend, Grace Golden, proposed a Sunday service for all the men who lost their lives in the accident.

A few years later, Sonora Smart Dodd suggested the idea of observing Father’s Day in the honour of her father, William Jackson Smart. Dodd’s father, who was a civil war veteran, raised her and her five siblings as a single parent. She started promoting Father’s Day at a national level after she completed her education.

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