Parent's Day Special English Poem: The Parents Gift

Parents Day Special English Poem: The Parents Gift

Parents play a very important role in every child’s life. We seldom get opportunities to thank our parents in public. But there may be events and occasions or any kind of celebration when you really want to show your gratitude towards your parents. If you ever wondered how to thank parents through speech; these thank you speeches for parents would help you leave a strong impact on the audience and your parents too. Our short and long thank you speech for parents can be used on occasions like birthday celebrations and you can use this thank you speech for parents as a sample to create speech for your wedding etc.

From afar, a model family we were
Professional parents, a doctor, a lawyer
A good income too
Look closer, the greatest gift
To your children, you could not give
A good marriage
So for your children you did live

Father, in your youngest daughter
You did find your sweet princess
Your sunshine and your heart
You held her hand and gave her hugs
Your wife held empty hands

Father, in your son
A golf companion you did find
Together you played to pass the time
While your family at home you did miss

Father, towards your stepdaughter a jealousy you did feel
Yet you made your peace when she was grown
And found a friend with whom to talk
For your wife and children had few words to speak

Mother, in your youngest daughter you did find
The perfect daughter, obedient, humble
Slender, pretty and creative too
She took your hand to comfort you

Mother, to your oldest daughter
You could not relate
Because she had lived with others
You thought she was full of hate
Yet she loved you and tried to associate

Oh, Mother and Father, many a tear your children shed
For a marriage almost dead
No touch, no communication, no tender words
But what to do your children did not know

At last when the youngest children left home
Mother you said, ‘I’ve come into my own’
For now the Mother and Father do touch, talk and spend time

Oh, Parents, you gave your children a gift
Your offspring no longer grieve
They now feel free to leave
And start families of their own.
You set your children free.

Niki Collins-Queen

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