The Gift of A New Year - Joanna Fuchs

The Gift of A New Year: Joanna Fuchs

The Gift of A New Year: Joanna Fuchs – Joanna is married and currently lives in Sandpoint, Idaho.  She graduated from the University of Illinois with a degree in fashion retailing. Joanna’s first writing job was teaching correspondence courses American Savings and Loan Institute. During her career she has wrote and presented her own speeches at colleges and corporations.

Joanna’s writing skills involve poetry, fiction and nonfiction. Her current occupation is as a web site writer and publisher for Joanna also researches medical topics and report what medical professionals are saying at her site,

The Gift of A New Year: Joanna Fuchs

Here’s to the year
that’s almost past its expiration date.
We all had some surprises, didn’t we?
Some good, some distressing.
Let’s use everything we got from our experiences,
everything we learned,
to enrich the new year.

New Year GiftsHere’s to the new year,
a gift we haven’t opened yet.
May its bright, shiny package
contain even more than we hope for.

And even while we’re delighting in new treasures,
let’s appreciate fully what we already have –
the blessings we take for granted.
Make a list, and check it twice.

And here’s to all you wonderful people
(wave glass around to encompass the whole group)
who are putting up with my toast;
I hope in the new year
you see yourselves the way I see you:
intelligent, interesting and likable.

(Raise glass) To New Year:
May it give a whole new meaning
to the phrase, “The Good Life”.

∼ Joanna Fuchs

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