Saraswati: Hindu Goddess

जय सरस्वती माता: सरस्वती माँ की आरती

Goddess Saraswati: The name Saraswati came from “saras” (meaning “flow”) and “wati” (meaning “she who has …”), i.e. “she who has flow” or can mean sara meaning “essence” and swa meaning “self”. So, Saraswati is symbol of knowledge; its flow (or growth) is like a river and knowledge is supremely alluring, like a beautiful woman. She is depicted as beautiful fair Goddess with Four arms, wearing spotless white saree and seated on white lotus.

In Hinduism Saraswati is the goddess of knowledge, music, arts and science. She is the consort of Brahma, also revered as His Shakti. Her figure is also popular in the Jain religion of west and central India.

Saraswati, known as Sraosha in Zoroastrianism is the guardian of earth. Sraosha (“obedience”) is also the wife and messenger of Ahura Mazda, and her role as the “Teacher of Daena”, Daena being the hypostasis of both “Conscience” and “Religion“.

She also guides the souls of the deceased to find their way to the afterlife.

Her symbolic animal is the peacock, whose crowing calls the pious to their religious duties.

ॐ जय सरस्वती माता: अनुराधा पौडवाल

ॐ जय सरस्वती माता, जय जय सरस्वती माता।
सद्‍गुण वैभव शालिनी, त्रिभुवन विख्याता॥ जय…

चंद्रवदनि पद्मासिनी, ध्रुति मंगलकारी।
सोहें शुभ हंस सवारी, अतुल तेजधारी॥ जय…

बाएं कर में वीणा, दाएं कर में माला।
शीश मुकुट मणी सोहें, गल मोतियन माला॥ जय…

देवी शरण जो आएं, उनका उद्धार किया।
पैठी मंथरा दासी, रावण संहार किया॥ जय…

विद्या ज्ञान प्रदायिनी, ज्ञान प्रकाश भरो।
मोह, अज्ञान, तिमिर का जग से नाश करो॥ जय…

धूप, दीप, फल, मेवा मां स्वीकार करो।
ज्ञानचक्षु दे माता, जग निस्तार करो॥ जय…

मां सरस्वती की आरती जो कोई जन गावें।
हितकारी, सुखकारी, ज्ञान भक्ती पावें॥ जय…

जय सरस्वती माता, जय जय सरस्वती माता।
सद्‍गुण वैभव शालिनी, त्रिभुवन विख्याता॥ जय…

ॐ जय सरस्वती माता, जय जय सरस्वती माता।
सद्‍गुण वैभव शालिनी, त्रिभुवन विख्याता॥ जय…

∼ अनुराधा पौडवाल

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