International Day Against Drug Abuse and Illicit Trafficking

International Day Against Drug Abuse and Illicit Trafficking: 26 June

International Day Against Drug Abuse and Illicit Trafficking is a United Nations International Day against drug abuse and the illegal drug trade. It is observed annually on 26 June, since 1989. The observance was instituted by General Assembly Resolution 42/112 of 7 December 1987.

International Day Against Drug Abuse and Illicit Trafficking: 26 June

On 26 June 1987, two important texts (Comprehensive Multidisciplinary Outline of Future Activities in Drug Abuse Control & Declaration of the International Conference on Drug Abuse and Illicit Trafficking) were adopted at the International Conference on Drug Abuse and Illicit Trafficking, which was held in Vienna during 17 – 26 June 1987. The Conference recommended that an annual day should be observed to mark the importance of the fight against drug abuse and illicit trafficking. Both the dates 17 June and 26 June were suggested, and in the later meetings 26 June was chosen and written into the draft and final resolution.

It is often referred to by Anti-Drug campaigners as 6/26. A play on Marijuana smokers “4/20” day to celebrate cannabis.

The UN’s 2007 World Drug Report puts the value of the illegal drug trade at US$322 billion a year.

International Day against Drug Abuse and Illicit Trafficking is celebrated on 26 June.

About Drug Abuse

Drug abuse or drug addiction is a psychiatric, social and psychological problem that not only affects the youth of the entire world but affects a large area of people of different age. It ruins the individuals and the society in manifolds- socially, physically, culturally, emotionally and economically.

Acting on the brain of the living, the drug spawns a broad range of disorders like fear, anxiety and a sense of insecurity in them. There are certain drugs like nicotine, cocaine, caffeine, heroine, morphine, cannabis, meth, etc that stimulate the grey matter and the nervous system resulting in an enhanced alertness as well as response.

Addiction to such drugs causes a severe loss of appetite and weight, constipation, increased anxiety and irritability, sleeplessness and gradual impairment of intellectual functioning. There are other sedatives that do not speeds up the process, in fact slows down the activities of the individual and make the brain and nervous system dull. The consequences are that they arouse as pain relievers and sleep inducers.

About Illicit Drug Trafficking

Drug trafficking is an international illegal trade that involves the production, cultivation, dissemination and sale of substance which prohibited according to the basic laws. The United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime (UNODC) is effectively monitoring and researching illegal international drug markets in order to attain a more comprehensive study of this menace.

The United Nations Office on Drugs and Crimes in their Drug Report estimates the market of the drugs at US$321.6 billion. The illicit drug trade is estimated to be approximately 1% of the international trade. The Northern trade routes and Balkan areas are the main drug trafficking areas that link Afghanistan to the massive market of other international drug markets in Eastern and Western Continents.

United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime (UNODC)

UNODC is an international organisation which is fighting against illegal drug abuse and its production which is considered as an international crime. 1997 is the year when this organisation was established by merging the International Crime Prevention centre with the United Nations Drug Control Programme. United Nation Office on Drugs and Crime operates throughout the world. This organ of the United Nations depends on contributions which are made voluntarily majorly by the governmental institutions.

It is mandatory for the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime to help assisting the members in the struggle against illegal drug trafficking, increasing crime rates and international terror. In the annual declaration, the members of this organisation resolved to fortify their efforts to fight and combat the increasing crime rate in the illegal drug industry in all its form.

International Day Against Drug Abuse and Illicit Trafficking: History

The International Day against Drug and Illicit Trafficking is observed annually on 26 June, since 1988, a date selected to commemorate the destruction of Lin Zexu, a figure in the opium trafficking and trade in Humen, Guangdong, preface to the First Opium War of China.

On 7th of December 1987 at the 93rd plenary meeting on Drug Abuse and Illicit Trafficking the United Nations’ General Assembly recalled its 40/122 resolution of 13 December, 1985 by which it decided to fight this menace. This meeting was the first step that initiated the Secretary-General to conduct an International Conference on Abuse of Drugs and its illegal distribution at the ministerial level, at Vienna in Austria.

Why Celebrate!

Every year on 26 June, International Day against Drug Abuse and Illicit Trafficking is celebrated worldwide. The main agenda of International Day against Drug and its illegal production is to raise a sense of responsibility into the masses, to encourage them to raise awareness about substance abuse and its illicit trafficking and brings sense of understanding about this menace to the people who suffer due to this problem. The aim to observe this day is to increase support for prevention of the production of drugs and its use and is thus a decisive investment for the well-being of students and youth, their relatives and their communities.

It emphasizes and puts on spotlight the significant effect of the clash between the healthy and dismantled environment. This day is dedicated towards the betterment of the lives of the people who are suffering from drug abuse and other addictions. The day acts as a reminder to the masses that these people must become participants in various rehabilitation programmes.

How It Is Celebrated?

Since 1987, International Day against Drug Abuse and Illicit Trafficking is celebrated by organizing various seminars, exhibitions and lectures in all the countries where learned researchers, doctors and NGO workers take active part to spread the awareness of drug abuse.

Masses are encouraged to get involved in the awareness raising campaigns and a lot of activities are scheduled for the entire day to disseminate the condition of drug abuse and its consequences on the individual and the family and friends around him. People feel free to come forward and share their experience of how they got addicted, what steps are they keeping in mind to stop, and what all measure must a person take to stay aloof from things like these.

The members of various organizations, rehabilitation centers and NGO’s along with the victim conduct media events, awareness campaigns and these activities let others join them either online or through real time experiences. The biggest issue with such social issues are that the victim does not feel confident to come and approach health care centre even if he wants to. Organizing such events benefits such victims and helps them acknowledge the significance of getting out and getting through this menace.

Some of the examples of events held in recent year across the world are:


Ten years ago a survey was conducted in India that revealed that there were around seven lakhs drug addicts in the country with more than one lakh in the metros of Mumbai, Delhi and Pune. Since then the government of India has introduced stringent rules to curb the menace of drug abuse and its trafficking.

The Non-Governmental Organizations like Narcotic Anonymous provides counseling and treatment to several drugs abusers and restore their shattered lives. India’s governmental organisation, namely, Central Drugs Standard Control Organization annually takes part in various programmes that promote the eradication of drug abuse.

They advise the Central Drug Administration in context of toxicity and quality of drugs. In addition to these, several organizations actively collaborate with the World Health organisation to prepare international standards and measures to eradicate substance abuse. Many such organizations organize events to raise awareness on the bad impacts of drugs on the day and provide special assistance and care to the people suffering from the abuse.


Russia also observes International Day against Drug Abuse and Illicit Trafficking on 26th of June every year just like all other developed and developing countries. The Federal Drug Control Services of the Russian Federation is the enforcement agency that thrusts laws to regulate, control and monitor the trafficking in drugs and its abuse in all its forms. In Russia the day is celebrated by organizing a number of activities to aware the citizens about drug abuse, its consequences and the measures that can help them.

Volunteers and various NGO’s talk about the problem openly to the entire ken of generation, raise funds, and distribute the essential materials regarding the cause. Alongside this day, few years back the Government of Russia announced the official professional holiday – the Day of Drug Control Authorities. They coordinate with the other enforcement authorities of the world to investigate the drug abuse and its trafficking worldwide.

United States of America

In United States of America, the Drug Enforcement Agency organizes various events to celebrate the International Day against Drug Abuse and its Illicit Trafficking. The events are focused on fighting drug abuse, drug smuggling, and safeguarding the people from drug traffickers within the United States. The celebrations are in line with the theme of the current year as announced by the United Nations. They are also in collaboration with World Health Origination, emphasize on the eradication of substance abuse, its treatment and providing support to the families of the victim both mentally and economically.

Columbia: International Day Against Drug Abuse and Illicit Trafficking

Columbia observes the day on 26th of June with the international theme annually. Seminars are conducted on national health, criminal justice, social services and educational system to reduce the rise of drug use and other substance abuse. The country has always been working towards the decline in teen smoking. People are made aware about the initiatives of the global programmes on promoting access to controlled drugs for medicine purpose, abuse and preventive medicines.

Some More Suggestions For Celebrating:

When drug abuse wide spreads both among the richer and poorer strata of society, it is all the more imperative that there is a need for community assistance to prevent drug abuse. In the war of drug abuse, the famous saying “Prevention is better than cure” is substantially relevant. The celebration of International Day against Drug Abuse and Drug Trafficking can also include the below discussed points:

  • People should wear black t-shirts to spread awareness about what importance does the day carries and special pamphlets should be distributed to let people read about the abuse.
  • The law enforcement bodies should also be more effective and accountable by following the examples of strategies that nations followed and have brought positive results in their nation. Huge smuggling and dealing should be fought by huge police resources.
  • Children need to be told at home about this problem and school as well. Families and counselors should to talk to the children and people who are in danger. Parents should look after their child and help them become responsible. They should encourage their child if he / she is a victim to keep self busy by opting for a job or visiting rehabilitation centers.
  • Basic education is the first step to eradicate this menace of abuse. Families should come together as a basic unit of society to play role towards the development of the child by being supportive towards him to fight his battle against the abuse.
  • The cultivation of the entire drug yielding crop should be banned and their production should be regulated by organizing anti cultivation drives on this day.


  • 2024: The evidence is clear: invest in prevention
  • 2023: People first: stop stigma and discrimination, strengthen prevention.
  • 2022: Addressing drug challenges in health and humanitarian crisis.
  • 2021: Share Facts On Drugs, Save Lives
  • 2020: Better Knowledge for Better Care
  • 2019: Health for Justice. Justice for Health
  • 2016 – 2018: Listen First – Listening to children and youth is the first step to help them grow healthy and safe
  • 2015: Lets Develop – Our Lives – Our Communities – Our Identities – Without Drugs
  • 2014: A message of hope: Drug use disorders are preventable and treatable
  • 2013: Make health your ‘new high’ in life, not drugs
  • 2012: Global Action for Healthy Communities without Drugs
  • 2011: Say No!
  • 2010: Think health – not drugs
  • 2007 – 2009: Do drugs control your life? Your life. Your community. No place for drugs.”
  • 2006: Value yourself… make healthy choices
  • 2005: Drugs is not child’s play
  • 2004: Drugs: treatment works
  • 2003: Let’s talk about drugs
  • 2002: Substance abuse and HIV/AIDS
  • 2001: Sports against drugs
  • 2000: Facing reality: denial, corruption and violence

Anti Drugs & Anti Alcohol Slogans

  • Refusing is a better choice
  • Kick it before it kicks you
  • Trying Drugs is just nuts!
  • It’s just not for me
  • Drugs make Life Ruff!
  • Life can take you higher than drugs
  • I can’t, it makes me sick
  • Make the Beary Best choice, Stay away from Drugs!
  • Choose life not drugs
  • Drugs are Junk
  • Don’t fall into the death Trap
  • Be smart – Don’t start
  • Don’t let drugs trick you, They are not a treat
  • Life is a precious gift, don’t waste it on drugs
  • Be above the influence
  • Drugs kill you slowly
  • If you need more cash, stop buying hash
  • Refusing Drugs is a Slam Dunk
  • If you smoke weed, you’ll make my heart bleed
  • It is easier to stay off Drugs than to get off Drugs
  • You’ll never succeed with drugs
  • D.E.A.D. spells out Drugs End All Dreams
  • I don’t have time for drugs
  • Get rid of drugs before they get rid of you!
  • Run away from drugs, don’t let it destroy you
  • You can’t become a sportsman if you do drugs
  • Only goofies do drugs
  • Choose to Refuse
  • The more you use, the less you live
  • Drug user is a looser
  • Drug abuse is of no use
  • One life – One chance – Avoid Drugs
  • Keep calm and avoid drugs
  • Up with Hope, Down with dope
  • Drugs make you ugly
  • Make healthy choices
  • Drugs drag you down
  • Drugs, weapons of mass destruction
  • Save future generations
  • Stand up against drugs
  • A loser in life is a user in life

Anti Drugs & Anti Alcohol Slogans In Hindi

  • जन–जन की यही सन्देश, नशा मुक्त हो अपना देश।
  • नशा छोडो, यह बोतल तोड़ो
  • जीवन का सुख नहीं पायेगा, धुँआ बनकर रह जायेगा।
  • नशे को छोड़ दो, अपने जीवन को नया मोड़ दो।
  • खुद को जगा दो, नशे को भगा दो।
  • नशे की यह आदत, देंगी बीमारियों को दावत।
  • धुम्रपान से जो जुड़ जाता है, जल्दी ही वह मर जाता है।
  • इस बुरे काम से मुँह मोड़ो, यह नशा छोडो, यह नशा छोडो।
  • हमको यही बताना है, नशे को दूर भगाना है।
  • बंद करो नशे की आदत, बुरी लगी है भाई ये लत।
  • देश को बढ़ाना है, नशे से मुक्त कराना है।
  • धुम्रपान एक बुरी लत है, पूरे समाज पर मुसीबत है।
  • धुम्रपान को बढ़ावा, अपनी मौत का बुलावा।
  • नशा एक अभिशाप है।
  • नशे के जो आदी है, जीवन भर उनकी बर्बादी है।
  • नशा छोडो, अपना घर जोड़ो।
  • नशे का यह नुकसान है, जीवन उसका बेकार है।
  • नशा करके जो खुश होता है, जीवन भर फिर वह रोता है।
  • नशे को जो अपनाएगा, पूरे जीवन वह पछतायेगा।
  • शराब करती है ख़राब।
  • जो शराब को पीते है, अपने खुशहाल घर को खोते है।
  • नशे से रहो दूर, जीवनभर सुख पाओ भरपूर।
  • नशा भगाओ, देश बचाओ।
  • सोचो, फिर सोचो, नशा करने से पहले सोचो।
  • हमेशा कहे नशे को “ना”।
  • नशे में है तेरी बर्बादी, नशा छोड़ होगी तेरी आजादी।
  • कोई भी नसेड़ी नहीं होता बुड्ढा क्योंकि वह अपनी जवानी में ही मर जाता है।
  • नशा एक चाकू है जो आपके अंदरूनी शरीर को काट देता है।
  • मैं बहुत खुश हूँ क्योंकि मैं नशा नहीं करता।
  • नशा हमारी प्रतिभा को ख़त्म कर देता है।
  • नशे में युवा सड़ रहा है, कहाँ यह युवा बढ़ रहा है।
  • किसी और से नहीं वह खुद से लड़ रहा है, नशे का वह दोस्त जो बन रहा है।
  • यह नशा जानलेवा है, इसे आज ही छोड़े।
  • देखकर हमारा बुजुर्ग रो रहा है, नौजवान को आज नशा तोड़ रहा है।

Drug Abuse and Illicit Trafficking Greeting Cards

Drug Abuse and Illicit Trafficking Facebook Covers

In conclusion, though the drug issue might seem to be almost impossible to eradicate, there exist many concrete actions which can be undertaken to reduce the impact of this menace over our society. The threat from drugs is too large to be ignored. We must take immediate actions to safeguard our society. Drug addiction is a draconian demon that can hold up on our society. We must never forget that a thousand mile journey never happens at one go, it takes little efforts each day.

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