Palestine Day 2024: International Day of Solidarity with Palestinian

Palestine Day: International Day of Solidarity with Palestinian People

Palestine Day: The International Day of Solidarity with Palestinian People is observed by the United Nations on around 29 November each year. It aims to provide solidarity with the Palestinian people.

The United Nations observes the International Day of Solidarity with the Palestinian People on or around November 29 each year. Palestinian Day is observed in accordance with the demands made by the General Assembly in resolutions 32/40 B from 2 December 1977, 34/65 D from 12 December 1979, and later resolutions approved under the agenda item “Question of Palestine.”

Why is the International Day of Solidarity with Palestinians Observed?

The United Nations sponsors the International Day of Solidarity with the Palestinian People as a day of global awareness. The United Nations offices in Geneva, Vienna, and Nairobi, as well as their main office in New York, host events for Palestinian Day. As Resolution 181’s anniversary falls on November 29, this day is celebrated on that date. This plan was adopted in 1947 in an effort to divide the country into two states in order to end the Israel-Palestine conflict.

In resolution 60/37 from 1 December 2005, the Assembly asked the Committee on the Exercise of the Inalienable Rights of the Palestinian People and the Division for Palestinian Rights to continue organizing an annual exhibition on Palestinian rights or a cultural event in collaboration with the Permanent Observer Mission of Palestine to the UN as part of the observance of the International Day of Solidarity with the Palestinian People on 29 November.


The resolution on the commemoration of the International Day of Solidarity with the Palestinian People also calls on Member States to keep supporting and publicizing the Day of Solidarity with as many people as possible.

The General Assembly’s definition of the inalienable rights of the Palestinian people, including the right to self-determination free from outside interference, the right to national independence and sovereignty, and the right to reunification with their country, are all highlighted by the International Day of Solidarity every year. These rights include the right to return to one’s home and proper citizenship.

How is Palestinian Day being observed?

An exhibit entitled “Palestine – a Land with a People” will be inaugurated on November 29, 2023, and remain on display at UNHQ in the Visitors’ Lobby in New York until January 8th 2023.

According to the UN website, “The exhibit commemorates the Palestinian Nakba (meaning catastrophe), a deeply traumatic event which took place during the 1948 Arab-Israeli war when more than half of the Palestinian people were expelled from or fled their homes and became refugees.

It serves as a reminder that close to 6 million Palestinians remain refugees to this day, scattered throughout the region. Hundreds of thousands of these refugees have experienced an additional forced displacement while thousands were killed, during the 2023 Gaza war, amid a situation described by the UN Secretary-General as a “humanitarian catastrophe”.

There are many ways to support the Palestinian people when it comes to the issue of Palestinian rights. Here are a few concepts:

  • Share articles, blog posts, and other content that raises awareness of the Palestinian situation using online tools. You can also become a member of social media forums and take part in online campaigns that support Palestinian rights.
  • Participate in a protest or demonstration to show your support for the Palestinians. This is a fantastic way to be heard and show support for those who are battling for justice.
  • Numerous organizations are making great efforts to help the Palestinians. Consider making a donation to one of these groups if you can to support them in keeping up their vital work.
  • Raise awareness of the situation, educate others, and encourage support for the rights of Palestinians.

In conclusion, the resolution on the observance of the International Day of Solidarity with the Palestinian People encourages Member States to continue to give the widest support and publicity to the observance of the Day of Solidarity.

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