Women's Equality Day: Theme, Date, History, Significance

Women’s Equality Day: Theme, Date, History, Significance

Women’s Equality Day: It is observed on August 26 annually all over the globe. The day aims to promote gender equality, eliminating all kinds of gender-based discrimination.

August 26 is observed as a day to celebrate the equal status of women all over the globe. The day commemorates the declaration of the 19th Amendment of the US Constitution in 1972. It aims to ensure equal participation of women in every sphere of the world, from education to employment.

This article will take you back to history and will help you learn about the theme, history and significance.

Women’s Equality Day: Date

  • 2024: 26 August, 2024 [Monday]
  • 2025: 26 August, 2025 [Tuesday]
  • 2026: 26 August, 2026 [Wednesday]
  • 2027: 26 August, 2027 [Thursday]


Mahatma Gandhi once addressed the woman as the companion of a man who is gifted with equal mental capacity. So, why women can’t vote? This thought led to the formation of the 19th Amendment of the US Constitution on August 26.

This year i.e. 2024 marks the 101th anniversary of Women’s Equality Day. According to wtsinternational.org, the theme of Women’s Equality Day 2023 was #EmbraceEquity. It aims to prioritize equity, access and opportunity for women. “Embrace Equity” refers to the act of wholeheartedly accepting and promoting the concept of equity.


The first celebration of Women’s Equality Day was marked on 26 August, 1972. The day celebrates the declaration of the 19th Amendment in 1920 to the US Constitution which granted women the right to vote. This amendment states, “The right of citizens of the United States to vote shall not be denied or abridged by the United States or by any State on account of sex.

Bella Abzug, a congresswoman from New York, requested that the 26th of August be recognized as Women’s Equality Day in 1971. Later, U.S. Secretary of State Bainbridge Colby issued a public statement extending voting rights to women in the United States. The first official declaration was issued in 1972.

Significance of Women’s Equality Day:

Women’s Equality Day is an opportunity to promote gender equality and celebrate the achievements of women big or small. Some major significance of Women’s Equality Day are:

  • The day applauds the progress of women in every field, politics, science, arts, sports, business, and more. It encourages women to move forward to create a better space.
  • Women’s Equality Day is an opportunity to initiate discussions, and actions for a gender-equitable society.
  • It focuses on all the concerns around gender, such as gender disparities, not only in voting rights but also in terms of education, employment, leadership roles, and representation in different sectors.
  • Day is also an opportunity to raise awareness about the rights of women. It promotes continuous actions to eliminate gender disparity.
  • Also, Women’s Equality Day is a foundation for a better future that encourages one and all to contribute towards a society with no discrimination.

In conclusion, This day is an important journey towards gender parity. The day serves as a yearly reminder to discuss, access and exercise some major steps to achieve gender equality.

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