World Brain Tumor Day: Theme, History, Significance & Facts

World Brain Tumor Day: Theme, History, Significance & Facts

World Brain Tumor Day: It is observed on June 8 to spread awareness and educate people about brain tumors. Various myths and misconceptions exist regarding brain tumors. Check below for some facts, history, and significance of the day.

World Brain Tumor Day:

A brain tumor is a mass growth of abnormal cells in the brain. Various types of brain tumors exist. Some are noncancerous and some are cancerous. It can begin in the brain or cancer can begin in other parts of the body and then spread to the brain as secondary brain tumors.

World Brain Tumor Day is observed on June 8 to spread awareness and educate people about brain tumors. Various myths and misconceptions exist regarding brain tumors. Check below for some facts, history, and significance of the day.

The brain is the powerhouse of the body. 2024 theme for the event is “Brain Health and Prevention” This year’s theme focuses on developing attention towards various types of stress and developing stress management habits to keep the brain safe from different types of tumors. The keys to the survival of brain tumors are awareness, early detection, timely treatment, and adequate follow-up treatment course.

German Brain Tumour Association (Deutsche Hirntumorhilfe e.V.), a nonprofit organisation, first marked this day in the year 2000 to spread awareness about brain tumor among the general public. Deutsche Hirntumorhilfe was founded in 1998 and has more than 500 registered members from fourteen nations. It provides support to the patients and their family members besides scientists and health professionals.


Deutsche Hirntumorhilfe declared World Brain Tumor Day in 2000 as an international commemoration day. World Brain Tumor Day is now celebrated annually on 8 June as a tribute to all brain tumor patients and their families.


The significance of World Brain Tumor Day is to shed light on the impact of brain tumors on individuals and society as a whole.

Brain tumors can affect people of all ages, and they can have serious consequences on cognitive and physical functions, as well as emotional well-being.

Through World Brain Tumor Day, individuals and organisations can unite and spread awareness and educate everyone about the life-taking disease. Further, this day provides the opportunity to offer support to those affected.

On World Brain Tumor Day, various activities are organized to spread awareness, such as public lectures, seminars, fundraising events, and social media campaigns.

These initiatives aim to improve understanding of brain tumors, highlight the challenges faced by patients and their families, and emphasize the importance of early detection, proper diagnosis, and effective treatment options.

Importance of Brain Tumor Day:

Raising Awareness

  • Brain tumors are a serious health concern, yet they often receive less attention compared to other types of cancer. Brain Tumor Day serves as an opportunity to educate the public about the signs and symptoms of brain tumors, as well as the challenges faced by patients and their loved ones.

Supporting Patients and Families

  • For individuals diagnosed with a brain tumor and their families, the journey can be incredibly challenging both emotionally and practically. Brain Tumor Day provides a platform to offer support, share resources, and foster a sense of community among those affected.

Advocating for Research

  • Continued research is essential for improving treatments, outcomes, and quality of life for individuals with brain tumors. Brain Tumor Day helps to advocate for increased funding and support for research initiatives aimed at better understanding the causes of brain tumors and developing more effective treatments.

Reducing Stigma

  • Like many health conditions, brain tumors can be accompanied by stigma or misconceptions. Brain Tumor Day works to dispel myths and promote understanding and empathy for individuals living with brain tumors.

Empowering Patients

  • By raising awareness and providing access to information and support networks, Brain Tumor Day empowers patients to become active participants in their own care and treatment decisions.

Types of Brain Tumors:

Brain tumors are classified based on their location, behavior, and the type of cells involved. The main categories include:


  • Arising from glial cells that support and nourish neurons, gliomas are the most common type of brain tumor. They include astrocytomas, oligodendrogliomas, and glioblastomas.


  • Originating from the meninges, the protective membranes surrounding the brain and spinal cord, meningiomas are typically benign tumors.

Pituitary Tumors: 

  • These tumors develop in the pituitary gland, a small gland located at the base of the brain. They can affect hormone levels and bodily functions.


  • Primarily found in children, these tumors develop in the cerebellum, which is responsible for coordination and balance.


  • Also known as acoustic neuromas, these tumors arise from Schwann cells that wrap around nerves. They commonly affect the nerves responsible for hearing and balance.

What is Brain Tumor?

Before understanding what is a brain tumour, first, we will learn about tumor. A tumor is basically an abnormal lump or growth of cells.

In the body, there are mainly two main types of tumors namely

  • Benign
  • Malignant

If the cells in the tumor are normal, it is benign (it means something wrong happened and the cells overgrew and produced a lump). If the cells are abnormal and start growing uncontrollably, then they are cancerous cells, and the tumor is malignant. A brain tumor occurs when abnormal cells produce within any part of the brain. The tumor can be benign (non-cancerous) and Malignant (cancerous).

Causes of Brain Cancer:

Any specific cause of brain tumors is not known yet. Many doctors believe exposure to radiation (like x-rays) for a long time can cause brain tumor. Some also believe that gadgets like mobile phones are causing various types of cancers including brain tumor, however, the fact is not proven yet. Many types of research into this field are still going on.


According to the data provided by National Health Portal (by the Ministry of Health and Family Welfare, Government of India), depending upon the location of the tumor on the part of the brain the symptoms may vary, some common symptoms are problems with vision, headaches, seizures, vomiting. Mental changes may be also observed. Sometimes the person may also feel difficulty in walking, speaking, and sensation.

Diagnosis of Brain Tumour:

Depending upon the symptoms and history, doctors can use the following tests to diagnose the brain tumor:

  • MRI and CT scan:  Doctors may use these imaging techniques in the diagnosis of a brain tumor.
  • Angiogram: It is also an imaging technique. In this test, a dye is injected into the bloodstream. If a tumor is present, then the image may show the tumor or blood vessels that are filling the tumor.
  • Neurologic exam: This test includes testing of hearing, alertness, vision, muscle strength, coordination, & reflexes.
  • Spinal tap: In this test, a sample of cerebrospinal fluid is collected with the help of a long thin needle. This technique is known as lumbar puncture.

Treatments for Brain Tumour:

Depending upon the type, stage, condition, and position of the tumors, doctors may suggest the following treatments:

  • Surgery: It is the first step in the treatment of both benign & primary malignant brain tumors and is done on the patient to remove the maximum tumor so as to sustain neurological function
  • Radiotherapy: In this process, cells are exposed to high-energy beams of radiation.
  • Chemotherapy:  In this treatment, anti-cancer drugs are supplied to the body to kill cancer cells.
  • Steroids: These are frequently used for the treatment of brain tumors.
  • Ventricular peritoneal shunt: This procedure is used to drain excess fluid from inside the brain.

To conclude Brain tumors are a serious health condition that can have a devastating impact on patients and their families. But there is hope. With early detection and treatment, many people with brain tumors can live long and fulfilling lives.

By learning more about brain tumors, we can help to raise awareness and dispel myths. Everyone can support and help to find new treatments and cures.


  • 2024: Brain Health and Prevention
  • 2023: Protect yourself- keep away from stress
  • 2022: Together We are Stronger
  • 2021: Not All Tumors Are the Same
  • 2020: Raising Awareness for Better Care
  • 2019: In It Together: Alliances in Brain Tumor Care

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