World Deaf Day

World Deaf Day Information, History, Objectives & Promotion

World Deaf Day is observed “to create awareness among the public to show how much the deaf could contribute to society and the country’s economic growth”.

World Deaf Day is celebrated every year in last week (last Sunday of the month of September) of the September to draw the attention of general public, politician and development authorities towards the achievements of the deaf people as well as deaf people community. Throughout the celebration of the event, all the deaf people organization worldwide are encouraged greatly to fulfill the demands and needs of the deaf people as well as increasing their rights all over the world.

World Deaf Day 2024 would be celebrated at last Sunday (29th of September) in the month of September.

History of World Deaf Day

Granville Richard Seymour Redmond was born on March 9, 1871 to a hearing family of Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA. When about two and a half- three years of age he contracted Scarlet Fever and was found to be deaf after recovery. His family moved from the East Coast to San Jose, California where Granville attended the Berkeley School for the Deaf.

He learned drawing, painting and Pantomime (a type of musical comedy stage production). His artistic talents received considerable encouragement and he graduated as a painter in the renowned California School of Design in San Francisco. By 1905, he was recognized as a landscape painter and bold colorist.

A deaf person has immense potentiality; similar to a normal person and the World Deaf Day is commemorated for this very reason.

Problem of Communication:

Although Sign language has been around for millions of years now, it still remains the biggest challenge faced by the hearing impaired – to communicate among themselves and the normal fellow beings. Learning and teaching of sign language should be an essential so that one can attain better understanding of the deaf and hard of hearing, their culture and heritage.

Promote International Week of the Deaf:

  • We must realize that World Deaf Day is not a day to merely extend our sympathies to the deaf but to see it as an opportunity to make a ‘difference’ in their lives.
  • Deafness is not a handicap or disability. Hard of hearing individuals are just as capable and intelligent as hearing individuals. The only difference is in the ‘means of communication‘.
  • We can host a fun and informative function / awareness programme in our area. Spread news and circulate details about the event through social media links / local media and eye catching posters.
  • Help impart knowledge about deaf people. Offer or arrange for workshops and lessons on sign language and motivate the general public to learn sign language.
  • Offer opportunities to the deaf, through the use of technology, to change and better their lifestyle.

Objectives of World Deaf Day:

  • Promote understanding among people about problems of deaf people in community all over world.
  • Motivate deaf people to learn sign language as an essential human right.
  • Make available the required resources in the community for deaf people.
  • Promote the deaf people human rights about equal access to the education and modern technologies.

Importance & Activities of World Deaf Day Celebration

People must participate in celebrating the World Deaf Day not only as Deaf Day but to expand the way of growth and development through the new technologies as well as to offer deaf people wide variety of opportunities to change their lifestyle. It is celebrated with the rallies, seminar and various deaf awareness campaigns including some fun events.

Various social organizations of the Varanasi city is working for the deaf people rights as well as aware the common people about noise pollution hazards through the several programmes and rallies which begins from the Luxa police station, passing through the Gurubagh, Rathyatra, Sigra and ends at the Shahid Udyan of the city.

Greeting Cards:

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