World Habitat Day Information For Students

World Habitat Day Information For Students

World Habitat Day was first declared by the United Nations General Assembly in the month of December in the year 1985. United Nations General Assembly has declared the first Monday of the month of October as the World Habitat Day. It was first started celebrating in the year 1986 at first Monday of the October.

World Habitat Day is celebrated every year all across the world on first Monday of October month. The supporters of the affordable habitat worldwide works hard for the adequate shelter around the globe through their special activities highlighting the requirement of safe, civilized and inexpensive shelters for the common individual.

World Habitat Day 2021

World Habitat Day is celebrated every year throughout the world on first Monday of October month. World Habitat Day 2021 will be celebrated at Thursday, on 4th of October (first Monday of October month).

World Habitat Day Celebration

The celebration of the day involves the plan to alter the systems which emphasize poverty housing as well as planning affordable housing for all.

It is celebrated in many countries all across the world including Pakistan, Germany, Hungary, the USA, Brazil, Belgium, Japan, Italy, Russia, Indonesia, Mexico, China, Kenya, Jamaica, UAE, Angola, the Netherlands and Senegal. Various activities on World Habitat Day are structured in order to observe the troubles of the homeless, issues of fast urbanization and its impact on the surroundings and human poverty.

It was planned to make available the sufficient shelter, water, sanitation, health, other basic services, good education within easy reach, job prospects and etc. The theme of the World Habitat Day celebrations of the year 2012 was Changing Cities, Building Opportunities which was held in Islamabad and Pakistan.


There is a global housing crisis, approximately 1.6 billion people worldwide are living in the substandard housing and almost 100 million people are homeless. It indicates that it is very to take some serious actions otherwise the number of slum inhabitants will continuously increase all over the world. The World Habitat Day aims to draw the people attention towards the anxious need of poor people for an adequate housing.

Purpose Of Celebrating:

  • To pay a big attention towards the need for better shelter all over the world.
  • To share the priority of affordable and adequate housing everywhere.
  • To bring the positive changes in the systems including policies and attitudes of person causing poverty housing.
  • To reflect on the states and towns and pay attention on the basic human rights for adequate shelter.
  • To increase the awareness worldwide of joint responsibility for the future generation’s habitat.


  • 1986: Shelter is My Right
  • 1987: Shelter for the Homeless
  • 1988: Shelter and Community
  • 1989: Shelter, Health and the Family
  • 1990: Shelter and Urbanization
  • 1991: Shelter and the Living Environment
  • 1992: Shelter and Sustainable Development
  • 1993: Women and Shelter Development
  • 1994: Home and the Family
  • 1995: Our Neighborhood
  • 1996: Urbanization, Citizenship and Human Solidarity
  • 1997: Future Cities
  • 1998: Safer Cities
  • 1999: Cities for All
  • 2000: Women in Urban Governance
  • 2001: Cities without Slums
  • 2002: City-to-City Cooperation
  • 2003: Water and Sanitation for Cities
  • 2004: Cities – Engines of Rural Development
  • 2005: The Millennium Development Goals and the City
  • 2006: Cities, magnets of hope
  • 2007: A safe city is a just city
  • 2008: Harmonious Cities
  • 2009: Planning our urban future
  • 2010: Better City, Better Life
  • 2011: Cities and Climate Change
  • 2012: Changing Cities, Building Opportunities
  • 2014: Voices from Slums
  • 2015: Public Spaces for All
  • 2016: Housing at the Center
  • 2017: Housing Policies: Affordable Homes
  • 2018: Municipal Solid Waste Management
  • 2019: Frontier Technologies as an Innovative Tool to Transform Waste to Wealth
  • 2020: Housing for All: A Better Urban Future
  • 2021: Accelerating Urban Action for a Carbon-Free World

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