World Theatre Day (WTD): World Theatre Day is celebrated every year on March 27 to highlight the importance of theater, as nowadays it is losing its importance. Let us have a look at the history of World Theatre Day, its themes, and its significance.
World Theatre Day: Date
- 2025: 27 March, 2025 [Thursday]
- 2026: 27 March, 2026 [Friday]
- 2027: 27 March, 2027 [Saturday]
- 2028: 27 March, 2028 [Monday]
- 2029: 27 March, 2029 [Tuesday]
World Theatre Day raises the importance of theatre arts, how they play an important role in the field of entertainment and the changes that theatre brings to life. The theme for WTD 2025 is ‘Theatre and a Culture of Peace‘.
As we know, theatre is a combination of various forms of fine arts that uses live performers, actors or actresses to present to a live audience the real experience of a specific place or maybe on a stage. Nowadays, the importance of theatre is declining, so this day is a wake-up call for governments, politicians, institutions, and people to recognise the value of theatre to the individual and for economic growth as well. Let us study World Theatre Day, its history, events, celebrations, importance, etc. through this article.
International Theatre Institute (ITI) was initiated in 1961 to celebrate WTD across the world and the value and importance of theatre. On this day, ITI hosts a yearly message, spoken by a chosen famous theatre performer, to share their views about the art of theatre and its future. 1962, the first message was spoken by Jean Cocteau. Do you know that this message is translated into over 50 languages and printed in hundreds of newspapers? Through several institutions, this message was broadcast to all corners of the world. ITI has more than 85 centres throughout the world; it also encourages colleges, schools, and theatre professionals to celebrate this day.
The goals of WTD, as with International Dance Day are:
- To promote theatre in all its forms across the world.
- To make people aware of the value of theatre in all its forms.
- To enable theatre communities to promote their work on a broad scale so that governments and opinion leaders are aware of the value and importance of dance in all its forms and support it.
- To enjoy theatre in all its forms for its own sake.
- To share the joy for theatre with others.
Who Can Celebrate?
The Centres and Cooperating Members as well as the Partner Organizations of ITI are the driving force behind the celebration of WTD in their country or region. But Celebration on WTD (27 March) or around this date can be organized and promoted by anyone and everyone who estimates the art form theatre and is caring for theatre and a world with mutual understanding, a world in peace.

For instance:
- Centres of ITI
- Cooperating Members of ITI
- Partner Organizations of ITI
- Theatre Venues
- Theatre Associations
- Theatre groups
- Theatre lovers / Theatre aficionados
- Theatre Institutions
- Ministries of Culture or other government entities
- Theatre universities, academies or any educational theatre institution
- Schools (primary, secondary, colleges, etc.)
- Prisons (as done by the International Association for Theatre in Prison IATiP)
- Individuals
- Etc.
ITI recommends that individuals or institutions who want to celebrate a World Theatre to coordinate it with the ITI Centre or Cooperating Member in their country or region. The list of the Centres and Cooperating Members can be found in the directory online at