The Eight fold Path of Buddhism, also called the Middle Path or Middle Way, is the system of following these eight divisions of the path to achieve spiritual enlightenment and cease suffering: Right understanding: Understanding that the Four Noble Truths are noble and true.
Quiz: Buddhism and the 8-Fold Path
- Question 1 of 10
The straitjacket of ego causes craving and attachment to extrinsic and illusory world. What did Buddha say would alleviate this problem?
Wrong — Correct Answer – Transcendent wisdom
- Question 2 of 10
Vipassana, Zen, and Dzogchen-Mahamudra have come to the West, as the evolving form of the 3 Vehicles. According, to the Dzogchen Buddhism, is enlightenment possible in ‘one’ lifetime?
Wrong — Correct Answer – Yes
The most famous person to achieve enlightenment in one lifetime was an evil Magician, called Milarepa. He lived in a cave and ate turnips, which gave him a greenish-hue. He is known widely for the famous songs, known to most children in India.
- Question 3 of 10
The Theravada contains the 4 Noble Truths and the 8-fold Way of the Buddha. What is it also known as… ?
Wrong — Correct Answer – Arhant’s way
- Question 4 of 10
The Law of Dependent Origination states that action follows every reaction, every cause has an effect, and every effect has a cause. What is the common name used in English for this law?
Wrong — Correct Answer – Karma
Karma is being every second. As we think, so we become…the good thing is that Negative Karma can be reversed.
- Question 5 of 10
The Tibetans have a word for the phenomenal world – as ‘Sara’, which translates into ‘Impossible to grasp’. Also, it has another connotation…which is a mundane object, what could it be?
Wrong — Correct Answer – Rose bush
- Question 6 of 10
Poisons (Klesha) can affect our actions adversely and in unwholesome ways. They are composed of Dualities: pleasure and pain, gain and loss, praise and blame, and fame and shame. What is the collective name of these Dualities?
Wrong — Correct Answer – 8 wordly winds
- Question 7 of 10
When Buddha was asked if he was a god, how did he answer?
Wrong — Correct Answer – I am awake
To be awake means to be free from- dreams of delusion, confusion and suffering…completely comfortable at peace and at ease in every circumstance with a sense of inner freedom, and free from exterior circumstances and negative emotions.
- Question 8 of 10
According to Buddha, do animals possess Buddha-nature and sentience?
Wrong — Correct Answer – Yes
- Question 9 of 10
If reincarnation exists, why cannot we recall our former lives – according to Buddha?
Wrong — Correct Answer – Ignorance
- Question 10 of 10
The Wisdom training in the 8 Fold Way of Buddhism contains: Right View and Right Intention. These help to negate internal-conditioning created through culture. What is the term for wisdom achieved by cultivating these practices?
Wrong — Correct Answer – Prajna
Sunyatta is an interesting term for nothingness…it is practiced in Mahayana Buddhism…a conjuncture of of the mind attaching to nothing-ness…how is that possible?