Dhanteras Quotes & SMS in English

Dhanteras Quotes and SMS Messages

Dhanteras Quotes, Dhanteras SMS Messages

  • As you offer your prayers on Dhanteras
    I hope that the true spirit of this auspicious occasion fills your
  • Heart with happiness and good cheer.
    Have a blessed Dhanteras.
    May Maa Lakshmi shower
    Countless blessing
    upon you and your family
    keep me in your prayers.
  • Never say u r happy when u r sad..
    never say u r fine when u r not ok..
    never say u feel good when u feel bad,..
    never say u r alone when i m still alive…
    good luck and best wishes for ever.
    Happy Dhanteras and Great Diwali Ahead.
  • Success is never permanent.
    Failure is never final.
    So never lose hope and keep trying
    Until your victory makes a history.
    Good luck in your life.
    Happy Dhanteras and Diwali…
  • Old friends R gold..!
    New friends R
    If U got diamond
    don’t forget the gold,
    Bcz to hold a
    diamond in a ring U
    need a base of gold..!
    Happy Dhanteras
  • Meaning of some colors,
    Yellow for special friend,
    white for peace,
    orange for luck,
    black for hate,
    red for love and
    pink for likeness,
    So I choose for You Orange Flower.
    Wish You good luck.
    Lots of Prosperity and Money Rain on Dhanteras…
  • Always be nice and good to the people on your way up because…
    most likely you need them on your way down.
    Good Luck. Happy Dhanteras!
  • If ur friendship be money, I’ll be richest man.
    If ur friendship be pounds, I’ll be heaviest man.
    If your friendship be love, I’ll be luckiest man.
    But your friendship is trust & I’m the happiest man.
    That’s Why On This Dhanteras…
    I’m asking for your friendship and not for money…
  • May Goddess Lakshmi bless your business,
    To do well in spite of all odds like,
    The enduring charms of gold and diamonds,
    Happy Dhanteras
    Dear Goddess Lakshmi,
    Bless the recipient of this message,
    with thirteen times Dhan,
    on this Dhanteras,
    Happy DHANTERAS.

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