Famous English Quotes about Birth Control

Famous English Quotes about Birth Control

Human population has been increasing since the beginning of humanity. Never had we had to ask ourselves how we should control population, until this last century. I’m sure that even you have noticed a difference since you were a kid. You can notice the difference when you go to schools and or go to the malls and notice there are larger amounts of people there then there was before. A lot of changes have been seen in just one century and this is why we should look into having government participation to control population. Here are some popular quotes on “Birth Control”.

  • Mother Teresa was not a friend of the poor. She was a friend of poverty. She said that suffering was a gift from God. She spent her life opposing the only known cure for poverty, which is the empowerment of women and the emancipation of them from a livestock version of compulsory reproduction. ~ Christopher Hitchens
  • Use a condom. The world doesn’t need another you. ~ Carroll Bryant
  • This may be a thing you neither want nor need,” she said. “But I’d rather you have it, wishing didn’t, than not have it and wish you did. ~ Kristin Cashore, Bitterblue
  • After listening to Rick Santorum, I’m now for late-term abortions (say up to age 53). ~ Quentin R. Bufogle
  • Woman must have her freedom, the fundamental freedom of choosing whether or not she will be a mother and how many children she will have. Regardless of what man’s attitude may be, that problem is hers — and before it can be his, it is hers alone. She goes through the vale of death alone, each time a babe is born. As it is the right neither of man nor the state to coerce her into this ordeal, so it is her right to decide whether she will endure it. ~ Margaret Sanger, Woman and the New Race
  • Religious freedom doesn’t include the freedom to disregard the law and restrict another’s freedom to believe and act differently. No one’s forcing Catholic nuns to practice birth control, or priests to wear condoms (good idea tho). If you really feel your religious beliefs conflict with the mandates of running a business, the solution is simple: Get your ass out of the boardroom and back to the pulpit (where it belongs). ~ Quentin R. Bufogle
  • The human race is all the same when it comes to romantic relations,’ said the Major. ‘A startling absence of impulse control combined with complete myopia. ~ Helen Simonson, Major Pettigrew’s Last Stand
  • The Church’s stand on birth control is the most absolutely spiritual of all her stands and with all of us being materialists at heart, there is little wonder that it causes unease. I wish various fathers would quit trying to defend it by saying that the world can support 40 billion. I will rejoice the day when they say: This is right whether we all rot on top of each other or not, dear children, as we certainly may. Either practice restraint or be prepared for crowding… ~ Flannery O’Connor
  • More troubling than this oddly timed debate about birth control is the vehemence with which women need to justify or explain why they take birth control—health reasons, to regulate periods, you know, as if there’s anything wrong with taking birth control simply because you want to have sex without that sex resulting in pregnancy. ~ Roxane Gay, Bad Feminist
  • We are now dealing with a bizarre new morality where a woman cannot simply say, in one way or another, “I’m on the pill because I like dick. ~ Roxane Gay, Bad Feminist

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