
Sunder Kand in Hindi, English And Sanskrit

Sunder Kand Doha 22


“Lord Sri Rama, the Slayer of Khara, is a protector of the suppliant and an ocean of compassion. Forgetting your offences, He will give you shelter if you but turn to Him for protection.”

“Install the image of Sri Rama’s lotus feet in your heart and enjoy the uninterrupted sovereignty of Lanka. The glory of the sage Pulastya (your grandfather) shines like the moon without its spot; be not a speck in that moon. Speech is charmless without Sri Rama’s name. Ponder and see for yourself, casting aside arrogance and infatuation. A fair lady without clothes, O enemy of gods, does not commend herself even though adorned with all kinds of jewels. The fortune and lordship of a man who is hostile to Rama eventually leave him even if they stay a while, and are as good as lost if acquired anew. Rivers that have no perennial source get dried up as soon as the rains are over. Listen, O ten-headed Ravana, I tell you on oath: there is none to save him who is opposed to Sri Rama. Sankara, Vishnu and Brahma* in their thousands are unable to protect you, an enemy of Sri Rama.”

* Brahma, Vishnu and Siva are spoken of here as part manifestations of the Supreme Deity, responsible for the creation etc., of only one of the countless millions of universes ruled over by Sri Rama, who represents the Supreme Deity.

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