
Sunder Kand in Hindi, English And Sanskrit

Sunder Kand Doha 46


“There can be no happiness for a creature nor can its mind know any peace even in a dream so long as it does not relinquish desire, which is an abode of sorrow, and adore Sri Rama (Yourself).”

“That villainous crew – greed, infatuation, jealousy, arrogance and pride – haunts the mind only so long as the Lord of the Raghus does not take up His abode there, armed with a bow and arrow and with a quiver fastened at His waist. Attachment to the world is like a dark night fully advanced, which is so delightful to the owls of attraction and aversion; it abides in the heart of a creature only so long as the sun of the Lord’s glory does not shine there. Having seen Your lotus feet, O Rama, I am now quite well and my grave fears have been set at rest. The threefold torments of mundane existence cease to have any effect on him who enjoys Your favour, my gracious lord. I am a demon vilest of nature and have never done any good act. Yet the Lord whose beauty even sages fail to perceive with their mind’s eye has been pleased to clasp me to His bosom.

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