Sparrows’ Holiday: Christmas Folktale for Kids – Mr. and Mrs. House Sparrow hopped round the garden looking for crumbs. But alas! Nobody threw any crumbs for the sparrows that day: At last Mr. Sparrow said: “All the people must be away on holiday.” “Then why don’t we go away on holiday?” chirped Mrs. Sparrow. Mr. Sparrow cocked his head on …
Read More »Christmas Carol of the Birds: Christmas Folktale
Do you know, when we are having such good times at Christmas, what sweet music they have in Norway (Europe), that cold country across the sea? One day in the year the simple peasants who live there make the birds very happy, so that they sing, of their own free-will, a glad, joyous carol on Christmas morning. And this is …
Read More »श्री गणेश जी: सर्वप्रथम उनकी पूजा – आखिर क्यों!
सर्वप्रथम श्री गणेश जी की पूजा: Our devotion gets redoubled when we find Ganapati available in the home or temple. We all have special and dedicated reverence towards Ganapati. The Hindu people across the world (specially India) do worship this omnipresent God first. Though the people of the world do worship this powerful elephant headed God first, very rare numbers of …
Read More »गणेश जन्म: हिंदी पौराणिक कथा – जानिए कैसा हुआ गणेशजी का जन्म
गणेश जन्म: हिंदी पौराणिक कथा – Lord Ganesha is one of the most widely worshiped deities in the Hindu Patheon. Ganesha is widely revered as the Remover of Obstacles and more generally as Lord of Beginnings and Lord of Obstacles (Vighnesh (विघ्नेश, विघ्नेश्वर)), patron of arts and sciences, and the deva of intellect and wisdom. Ganesha has been represented with the …
Read More »How Ganesha came to have Elephant Head
How Ganesha came to have Elephant Head: When the Gods lived on the earth, Lord Shiva – Mahadeva, the Lord of All, lived on the highest peak of the Himalayas. With him lived his wife, Goddess Parvati. They had no child. For thousands of years they lived there, looking down upon the entire world, which lay at their feet. But …
Read More »Satya’s Marriage: Lord Krishna Stories For Kids
Satya’s Marriage: Satya was the most beautiful and most gifted girl in the world. She was a princess – the daughter of the rich and powerful King of Khosla. Her fame spread far and wide. Many royal princes asked the King of Khosla for her hand in marriage. Satya’s Marriage: Lord Krishna Stories For Kids Satya reached the age of …
Read More »Amazing adventures of Hanuman: Kids Folk Tale Of Monkey God
Amazing adventures of Hanuman Page [1]: Once upon a time, long ago, there lived in India a monkey-boy called Hanuman. His father was Vayu, the god of the winds, and his mother was a monkey princess. Although he was only little, Hanuman had magic powers. He was also naughty. This is the story of some exciting adventures, which began in …
Read More »हनुमान और सुरसा का शिक्षाप्रद प्रंसग: रामायण से जुड़ी लघु कहानी
हनुमान और सुरसा का शिक्षाप्रद प्रंसग: हनुमान जी भगवान राम के परम् भक्त थे। जब लंका का राजा रावण सीता को हर कर ले गया तो राम और लक्ष्मण वन वन सीता को खोजने लगे। एक दिन वे घूमते हुए किष्कंधा पहुचे। वहाँ उनकी उनकी भेंट हनुमान से हुई। हनुमान सुग्रीव के मंत्री थे। उन्होंने सुग्रीव के साथ राम लक्ष्मण …
Read More »Group of Monkeys, A Bell and A Brave Woman: Witty Folktale
Group of Monkeys: Once upon a time, in the city of , there lived a thief. One day, he stole a temple bell and ran away into jungle. A tiger, who heard the sound of the bell, was curious to know where the sound was coming from. Group of Monkeys, A Bell and A Brave Woman When he saw the …
Read More »A Ball for Ben Badger: English Folktale For Students & kids
A Ball for Ben Badger: Ben Badger came out of his tunnel and went across the grass to his favourite tree. There he began to sharpen his claws, up and down the trunk. Scratch, scratch, scratch, went Ben, making his claws sharper every minute. Suddenly, as he scratched, something fell plop, right on to his head. Now, Ben’s favourite tree …
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