Christmas Day: Christmas Folktale “Boys,” said Mrs. Howard one morning, looking up from a letter she was reading, “I have had a letter from your grandmamma. She writes that she is returning to England shortly.” The boys went on with their breakfast without showing any great amount of interest in this piece of news, for they had never seen their …
Read More »Amazing adventures of Hanuman: Kids Folk Tale Of Monkey God
Amazing adventures of Hanuman Page [1]: Once upon a time, long ago, there lived in India a monkey-boy called Hanuman. His father was Vayu, the god of the winds, and his mother was a monkey princess. Although he was only little, Hanuman had magic powers. He was also naughty. This is the story of some exciting adventures, which began in …
Read More »हनुमान और सुरसा का शिक्षाप्रद प्रंसग: रामायण से जुड़ी लघु कहानी
हनुमान और सुरसा का शिक्षाप्रद प्रंसग: हनुमान जी भगवान राम के परम् भक्त थे। जब लंका का राजा रावण सीता को हर कर ले गया तो राम और लक्ष्मण वन वन सीता को खोजने लगे। एक दिन वे घूमते हुए किष्कंधा पहुचे। वहाँ उनकी उनकी भेंट हनुमान से हुई। हनुमान सुग्रीव के मंत्री थे। उन्होंने सुग्रीव के साथ राम लक्ष्मण …
Read More »A Beautiful Animal Tale of True Friendship
Chinky Sparrow used to live with its children in a beautiful nest, on a huge tree in Champakvan. She goes out every morning to peck grains in order to feed her young ones. Ila Ant lived at the root of the banyan tree. One day, Ila was sick. She could not even walk properly. Chinky Sparrow asked Ant “Sister, it …
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