“इस बार होली खेलने के लिए मैं तुम्हारे घर ही आ जाउंगी” सिमी ने राहुल से कहा। “हाँ, तुम्हारी छत बहुत बड़ी है। यहाँ से हमें आधा शहर तो यूँ ही दिख जाता है” मंजुल ने मुस्कुराते हुए कहा। “मैं तो गुलाबी रंग का गुलाल लगाउंगी। मुझे गुलाबी रंग बहुत पसंद है” सलोनी ने खुश होते हुए कहा। “कभी शीशे …
Read More »बिल्लू की पतंग: कहानी एक चंचल बच्चे की
बिल्लू हमेशा की तरह अपनी किताब पकड़े हुए बगीचे में बैठा हुआ था पर उसकी नज़रें आसमान में उड़ती हुई लाल पतंग पर टिकी हुई थी। मम्मी जो कि पास ही बैठी गुलाब के पौधों की कटाई-छंटाई कर रही थी उसे बीच बीच में देख लेती थी। वह मन ही मन बहुत खुश हो रही थी कि करीब एक घंटा …
Read More »Spirit of Diwali: Inspirational story of a Dhaba boy
Spirit of Diwali: Chandan put his hands on his ears trying to shut off the sounds. It was Diwali night. The entire city was lit up. Fire crackers were exploding everywhere. Chandan was lying on a dirty wooden bench in one corner of a dhaba in which he worked, trying to shut off the world and sleep. Diwali – the …
Read More »Dadima’s Stick: Fun filled Mystery Story
Dadima’s Stick: The first thing Govind and I noticed as Dadima (paternal grand-mother) came out through the glass doors of the Bombay airport in a wheelchair was the stick in her hand. Dadima had gone to Dubai for a short stay with Gopal Chacha (father’s younger brother). A week later, she had had a fall, and her artificial left hip …
Read More »The Bailiff’s Bootsoles: Story From Urals
The Bailiff’s Bootsoles: There was a bailiff in Polevaya once called Severyan Kondratych. Eh, what a ruffian he was, what a ruffian! They’d never known the like since there’d been mines and mills there. A hound, he was, and worse. A wild beast. The Bailiff’s Bootsoles: Pavel Bazhov He knew little enough about the work, but when it came to …
Read More »The Song of The River: All about a river
The Song of The River: It was summer time in the high valley. Ghungroo drew a deep breath. The bells on her ankles tinkled as she tossed back her wavy tresses…and trickled out of the melting snows of the great mountains. The Song of The River: Nita Berry It was no wonder really that the little river was called Ghungroo, …
Read More »Two Little Sparrows: Story about birds and their nest
Two Little Sparrows: “Cheap-cheap!” The shrill cries woke Nandita up. She switched on her bedside lamp. There was a fluttering. Wings whizzed past above her head. “Oh, it is you!” Nandita called out to the two sparrows perched above the window curtain. “It is too early to chirp. Let me sleep!” One of the sparrows blinked a mischievous eye. Then …
Read More »Courage Conquers All: A story from High School
Life is only froth and bubble Two things stand like stone Kindness in another’s trouble Courage in your own. Courage Conquers All: “Have you heard the latest news? A new boy is to join our class!” Tikkoo Kapoor called out as his friends entered the assembly hall morning prayers. “Rot!” Suresh declared immediately. Courage Conquers All: Neela Subramaniam “Are you …
Read More »अप्पू घर: चार घंटे चुप रहने की मजेदार कॉमेडी कहानी
“क्या बात है, तुम आज कुछ भी बोल क्यों नहीं रही हो” निफ़्टी ने बुलबुल से धीरे से पूछा? बुलबुल ने निफ़्टी की ओर देखा और वापस ब्लैकबोर्ड की तरफ़ देखने लगी। निफ़्टी ने मुस्कुराते हुए बुलबुल के हाथ से पेंसिल छीन ली। बुलबुल ने तुरंत अपने पेंसिल बॉक्स से दूसरी पेंसिल निकाल ली और सवाल हल करने लगी। निफ़्टी …
Read More »4th of July Funny Story: Extended family cook-out
4th of July Funny Story – One year, Jim’s family was having the “extended family” 4th of July cookout at their home. One of the special treats that year was the lighting of the fireworks (Roman candles, bottle rockets, missile batteries, etc.) they had bought out of state (they’re illegal in their state, of course!) 4th of July Funny Story: …
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