One day two of the men from our village went to take a look at the hay. Their meadows were quite a bit of a way off. Somewhere the other side of Severushka. It was a Sunday and real hot. That sort of fine weather you get after rain. Both of them worked in the mines, on Gumeshky. They got …
Read More »Fight, Manju, Fight!: Sigrun Srivastav
Fight, Manju, Fight!: Sigrun Srivastav – Manjula Parelkar knew she was no Hussain. She could never be, not with those hands of hers, those claw-like malformed fingers, just two of them, two on each hand. Why her hands too? Wasn’t it enough that her feet were deformed; ending in two massive moon-shaped toes pointing at each other, the hard nails …
Read More »Champ: Inspiring Story of Courageous Pet Dog
Neeraj was going to the market to buy vegetables when he saw a crowd of boys jumping and laughing. As he drew near he recognised two of them – Kartik and Ahmed – the notorious bullies of his class. Kartik was sitting on his haunches holding a black puppy while Ahmed was tying a string to its tail. To the …
Read More »Miracle Park: Story on importance of playgrounds in child development
Twelve year old Anil had just finished his breakfast when he heard his name being called. He came out. It was Azhar his best friend. “Have you heard Anil?” “Heard what Ajju?” Anil sighed and asked. It was Azhar’s habit to start every conversation with a question. “Someone is trying to destroy our Park and build a shopping complex in …
Read More »माँ: गरीब विधवा माँ और उसके दृढ़ निश्चय की कहानी
अरे, मम्मी… आप क्यों पैरेंट टीचर मीटिंग में चल रही है और फिर से वही पुरानी हरी साड़ी पहनकर। दस साल का चिंटू चिढ़चिढ़ाता हुआ बोला। पर उसकी मम्मी तो ख़ुशी के मारे फूली ही नहीं समा रही थी। शहर के सबसे बड़े स्कूल में एक-एक पाई इकठ्ठा करके उसने अपने इकलौते बेटे का एडमिशन बड़ी मुश्किलों से करवाया था। …
Read More »गब्बू का हैप्पी न्यू ईयर: नव वर्ष के उपलक्ष में हिंदी कहानी
गब्बू भालू बेच तो गुब्बारे रहा था पर उसका पूरा ध्यान, पेड़ पर लगे शहद के छत्ते पर था। मधुमक्खियाँ भी कम शैतान नहीं थी। वे भी अपने छत्ते में आराम से बैठकर गब्बू को देख रही थी और हँस रही थी। उन्होंने टॉमी कुत्ते को थोड़ा सा शहद देकर अपनी तरफ़ मिला लिया था। टॉमी को शहद इतना पसँद …
Read More »अंशु की बा: कस्तूरबा गांधी के जीवन से प्रेरित कहानी
“मुझे तो समझ ही नहीं आता कि तुम इतनी दब्बू क्यों हो?” मनीषा ने गुस्से से कहा। “हाँ, जो भी आता है, तुम्हें चार बातें सुना कर चला जाता है” अंकुर ने तुरंत कहा। अंशू सिर झुकाये अपने दोस्तों की बातें चुपचाप सुन रही थी। “अब कुछ बोलोगी भी या नहीं?” मनीषा ने तेज आवाज़ में कहा। “मुझे लगता है …
Read More »Ghosts On The Verandah: Story By Ruskin Bond
Bibiji, my neighbour, a warm, attractive woman in her early thirties, is fond of odd, macabre stories, most of which have their setting in her village near Mathura (Uttar Pradesh, India). The other night Bibiji launched into an account of various types of ghosts she had known – the ghosts of immoral women – churels -who appeared naked with their …
Read More »Friends Again: Inspirational Story of Classmates
“Come on Anmol, you can do it”, shouted Rohan. Anmol and Rohan were class six students of Saint Francis High School. The inter-house cross country for the junior group was in its last phase. Anmol, who was in Shivaji House, had completed the stretch from the school canteen, the starting point of the race, to the Stadium. Now all that …
Read More »Animal Story For Children: Black Stripes Of Tiger
Many years ago the tiger did not have black stripes on his tanned body. Very few people know the secret story behind the appearance of these stripes. Once, long ago, a monkey had a birthday party and invited many of his friends, rabbit, squirrel, cat, dog, bear and of course, his best friend tiger. Monkey had decorated his house beautifully, …
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