Christmas Day: Christmas Folktale “Boys,” said Mrs. Howard one morning, looking up from a letter she was reading, “I have had a letter from your grandmamma. She writes that she is returning to England shortly.” The boys went on with their breakfast without showing any great amount of interest in this piece of news, for they had never seen their …
Read More »Birth of Lord Krishna: Incarnation of Lord Vishnu
Birth of Lord Krishna: Krishna was born in a tense historical period proceeding a devastating war. The warring factions built up so many weapons that the burden on the earth became unbearable. Finally the goddess of Earth took the form of a cow and prayed to Lord Brahma for relief. Lord Brahma called all the demigods to the shore of …
Read More »Krishna & Syamantaka Gem: Lord Krishna Story
Krishna & Syamantaka Gem: Satrajit, a nobleman of Dwarka, was a devotee of Surya, the Sun God. Surya being pleased with Satrajit’s devotion appeared before him and gifted him the Syamantaka gem. The Syamantaka gem’s specialty was that it could magically produce eight measures of gold a day. Krishna & Syamantaka Gem: Satrajit became a really wealthy man. Krishna then …
Read More »Kaliya: Story of Krishna and Kaliya Snake
Krishna and Kaliya Snake: Krishna was the loveliest child in the world. He was dark and handsome. He wore pretty clothes and beautiful ornaments. His hair was tied in a knot on the top of his head. Always there was a peacock feather in it. Little Krishna was the darling of all the people. Story of Krishna and Kaliya Snake: …
Read More »Krishna Kills the Snake Demon Aghasura
Krishna Kills the Snake Demon Aghasura: One day the cowherd boys were playing their games, such as imitating peacocks and running after birds’ shadows on the ground, when they came upon a mountain cave. This was actually a demon-brother of Putana‘s, who had expanded himself into an eight-mile long snake to kill the boys. The opening to the cave was …
Read More »Amazing adventures of Hanuman: Kids Folk Tale Of Monkey God
Amazing adventures of Hanuman Page [1]: Once upon a time, long ago, there lived in India a monkey-boy called Hanuman. His father was Vayu, the god of the winds, and his mother was a monkey princess. Although he was only little, Hanuman had magic powers. He was also naughty. This is the story of some exciting adventures, which began in …
Read More »छत्रपति शिवाजी महाराज के प्रेरक प्रसंग
छत्रपति शिवाजी महाराज के प्रेरक प्रसंग: एक बार छत्रपति शिवाजी महाराज जंगल में शिकार करने जा रहे थे। अभी वे कुछ दूर ही आगे बढे थे कि एक पत्थर आकर उनके सर पे लगा। शिवाजी क्रोधित हो उठे और इधर-उधर देखने लगे, पर उन्हें कोई भी दिखाई नहीं दे रहा था, तभी पेड़ों के पीछे से एक बुढ़िया सामने आई …
Read More »छोटे साहिबजादे बाबा जोरावर सिंह व बाबा फतेह सिंह
छोटे साहिबजादे बाबा जोरावर सिंह व बाबा फतेह सिंह: सरसा नदी पर जब श्री गुरु गोबिन्द सिंह जी से छोटे साहिबजादे बाबा जोरावर सिंह तथा बाबा फतेह सिंह और माता गुजरी जी बिछुड़ गए तो उनको गुरु घर का रसोइया गंगू अपने गांव सहेड़ी ले आया। वहां से उसने मुखबरी करते हुए साहिबजादों और माता गुजरी जी को गिरफ्तार करवा …
Read More »हनुमान और सुरसा का शिक्षाप्रद प्रंसग: रामायण से जुड़ी लघु कहानी
हनुमान और सुरसा का शिक्षाप्रद प्रंसग: हनुमान जी भगवान राम के परम् भक्त थे। जब लंका का राजा रावण सीता को हर कर ले गया तो राम और लक्ष्मण वन वन सीता को खोजने लगे। एक दिन वे घूमते हुए किष्कंधा पहुचे। वहाँ उनकी उनकी भेंट हनुमान से हुई। हनुमान सुग्रीव के मंत्री थे। उन्होंने सुग्रीव के साथ राम लक्ष्मण …
Read More »When Goddess Lakshmi Begged: Hindu Folktale
When Goddess Lakshmi Begged: Long Long ago there was a king in Jaisalmer whose name was Rawal Prithvi Singh. His kingdom was very prosperous. He built up his capital with latticed windows and large havelis (palaces). He also captured some areas of neighboring kingdoms. But he was not broadminded. His success made him unreasonable, foolish and haughty. When Goddess Lakshmi …
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